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turbo heatshield isn't good enough

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Guest *Jedimaster*
There was a cat, not mine, that would sneak into my condo's parking garage and sit on my car, I would find paw prints all over the hood. I caught him one day standing in the ground with his front paws on the bumper ready to jump on up - hit the panic button on the remote and chased him all the way across the parking garage.

I have found no paw prints since :D

Now that is a great solution! Should make all the hippes on here happy too :lol:


*ducks as granola is thrown at me*

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Growing up I had the pleasure of driving a 1973 Chevy Caprice Classic station wagon, green with fake wood paneling. My next door neighbor had a smokey black cat that would climb on the hood to keep warm when I'd get home.


Well, one day I came out, jumped in my car and cranked it over. I heard a thunk - thunk and then a whispy cloud of dark smoke billowing from the engine compartment.


I had no idea what the hell was going on and immediately shut the car off.


Turns out, the damn cat needed to get a little closer to the heat... and got skinned in the process! :icon_surp


Those things really do have 9 lives... he was hairless down one side with a pretty bad cut on his side, but he lived through it. Although, I'm certain my car was a less attractive warming blanket from that point forward!

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