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some questionable stuff

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I've noticed some responses to WTB ads on a shooting forum I am on that ended poorly. I may or may not have experienced issues like that here. Don't want to put anyone on blast without proof but, I'd be cautious.

Trying to be circumspect, although I am 100%, not a scammer I want to out myself as having a little bit of trouble getting things out here and there. I am figuring out a workflow around this and eventually, I'll have everything pre-boxed and photographed. most things I've gotten out right away but, in at least one instance I have not performed in a manner that meets my own expectations. I'll do better in the future.

Not trying to be weird here but, it didn't feel right to call something out without cleaning off my own back porch, integrity means a lot to me.

BTW I am considering bringing in several RA blocks for resale and actually folding this side hustle into my legit business. I had some changes in which products I offer in my business and have an appreciable amount of pallet rack currently unused. We'll see, I'm actively assessing things.

I really expected the construction industry to crash and I bought a bunch of these cars to rebuild and part out to keep busy while biz recovered. To my amazement, I am having the best year ever. I guess people are just sitting home looking at everything they need to have done. It's crazy. On the day of the shutdown, I had my flatbed out doing deliveries until 10 pm. Everyone wanted their honey-do stuff before it was too late. Crazy days.

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I've talked with pdxammo a few times. I think he's a good guy and bit off maybe more than he could chew but he's been responsive and I don't feel like he's screwed me. We talked about a refund but I'd rather have the parts and imo that says a lot that he, no questions or round about, was willing to give me my money back.



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I've been to his shop a few times. It's more of a small warehouse for his construction business but filled with lgt's. A couple of weeks ago, he had 4 cars in there in various stares of rebuild/dissembling. He has piles of parts, mostly stacked on his racks intermingled with his construction supplies.


Getting parts off cars takes a bit, but once done they tend to go out quickly.


I store his gutted shells because i'm planning an lgt ranch install at some point in the future

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I've been to his shop a few times. It's more of a small warehouse for his construction business but filled with lgt's. A couple of weeks ago, he had 4 cars in there in various stares of rebuild/dissembling. He has piles of parts, mostly stacked on his racks intermingled with his construction supplies.


Getting parts off cars takes a bit, but once done they tend to go out quickly.


I store his gutted shells because i'm planning an lgt ranch install at some point in the future

LGT ranch for injured and disused LGT's?

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After contacting several people that had viewed "Bree"'s profile a pattern emerged. I feel comfortable asserting that dude is a scammer. Don't reply and generally it's only advisable to respond to WTB inquieries to known members. Yes, I'm kind of an investigator sometomes lol...
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