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Stalked nasioc classifieds. Got an almost brand new turbo for $550 shipped. Took me a few months though, which I had that kind of time budgeted for finding a good turbo on the lower end of the price scale.
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These forums... the for sale section. But if you want a badass vf52, contact jmp



Keep in mind jmp needs a core and that turned out to require a bit of searching. Not too hard to find lightly used, low mileage, etc. stock ones for decent coin but way too much for a core you're just going to send off for a rebuild.


Fortunately I found one on Craigslist and am picking it up tomorrow. Still feel like I'm paying too much for it, but beggars can't be choosers and total cost with jmp rebuild will still be less than a brand new stock one.

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