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Automatics everywhere

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As I searched for manual 05 loftovers, I noticed an enormous number of 5eat transmissions on dealer lots. We always discuss the preformance difference between autos and manuals, but never seem to consider the impact it could have financially down the road.


First, the auto will help resale value. Second, there appears to be a greater market for the automatic transmission which should make for a larger potential population of buyers.


I wonder if it's worth sacrificing the feel and performance of the stick for the financial resale benefit a few years down the road?

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I don't buy a car for its future resale value or the estimated future market available for it. I buy what I like/want... Otherwise, what's the point? The main (negative) financial impact is going to occur as soon as you drive it off of the dealer's lot right after signing the paperwork, and the amount it depreciates over its use. The methodology of buying a car for its future resale value/market seems like a good way to never get what you want.



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^ +1



Don't buy a car as a financial investment - it's horrible. As CreoSTi said, very few investments lose a few thousand dollars the day after you buy it :lol:


Select a car that you would enjoy driving. Buy that and don't look back :)

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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As I searched for manual 05 loftovers, I noticed an enormous number of 5eat transmissions on dealer lots. We always discuss the preformance difference between autos and manuals, but never seem to consider the impact it could have financially down the road.


First, the auto will help resale value. Second, there appears to be a greater market for the automatic transmission which should make for a larger potential population of buyers.


I wonder if it's worth sacrificing the feel and performance of the stick for the financial resale benefit a few years down the road?


You might also note that the most common car on a Chevy lot is the Cobalt.


I'm probably going to start a riot here, but the reason most of the Legacy models you see are auto is because most drivers are not concerned about performance and feel, they want simplicity and ease of use.


If you are going to buy yourself a new car like the Legacy GT, then get what you really want. Sure the 5MT will be harder to sell and worth $500 less when the time comes, but that is pretty irrelevant if you trade it in.


Are you a pacifist or a driver?



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Definately think about what you want, if you want the MT then get it. I had it at a coin flip. I like the MT for the idea that it is a fast car and should have the fun stick but then I also do a lot of city driving where having an AT would be much better. I bought mine used so I didn't have a choice of selecting AT or MT. It was an AT and I fully enjoy it. I use the manual shift sometimes but it isn't as fun as a clutch and full range of shifting.


I totally agree that if you are thinking about selling it in the future the AT will give you more of a market to sell to. On the same note depreiciation is crazy on vehicles. I tried to mitigate my losses by purchasing slightly used. We'll see how it works out if/when I decide to sell.

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In theory the auto will be worth maybe $500 over the manual when the time comes to sell or trade. Also there will be a bigger market for the autos down the road simply because in this country the majority of drivers see their car as nothing more than an appliance. It has the same visceral appeal as their dish washer or washing machine. I may be 52 years old but, I'll be da@^ed if I am going to spend $25,000+ dollars on an appliance with no soul. My vehicles have to have some guts and soul and, its for that reason that my next car is going to be an import brand. To me the number one thing that gives a car soul is a manual tranny, even more so that massive amounts of horsepower or torque. You do not become one with the car with an automatic like you do with a stick, which is why the LGT rates heads above the Grand Prix GXP and the Hemi Charger in my book. For me the prospect of getting an extra $500 when its time to sell because it has a auto is a non issue. In fact when and if I do decide to sell the car I just may ask for a $1000 over the price of the autos just because its one of the "rare 5-speed

models". :icon_bigg

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Autos=Not concerned about performance........:lol::lol:

The horse is down...we do not need to resurrect it again;)

If you are a Die hard auto fan....go with the auto

MT.....def go with the MT

**If the MT was a 6spd, it would be in my driveway as we speak**;)

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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I've nodded along with all these replies. There will be a time when I buy an auto, but that time has not yet come.


As far as depreciation goes, I consider the current rebate essentially Subaru's way of "eliminating" the initial depreciation. So, considering the rebate, you are buying the car for what it's worth, rather than paying invoice and eating the initial depreciation. I do consider resale value because I tend to sell cars within a few years of buying. Cars are a lousy "investment," but I just can't help myself.

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Autos=Not concerned about performance........:lol::lol:

The horse is down...we do not need to resurrect it again;)

If you are a Die hard auto fan....go with the auto

MT.....def go with the MT

**If the MT was a 6spd, it would be in my driveway as we speak**;)


Just wait for Level 10, Protorque and TCU mods, and you can definitely say Buh Bye to teh 5MT. :icon_bigg

I keed I keeed
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I worked for a smaller company a few years back, and our accountant was one of those types who justified every single expense he made in his life. Now this dude had to be making 60k to 70k a year..but to look at him you'd never know it. He drove a Geo metro because, according to him it was the only car he could buy that wasn't a complete waste of money. He chose it because if he got 7 years of use out of it he'd nearly break even on having bought it.


This guy was 6'5" and stuffed himself in a geo every day in order to get any sort of appreciable value out of.. a car.


I guess it depends on what sort of value you're looking for. Me I look for fun value, value in ownership, and driveability. My car is rather rare to begin with, as are all Legacys it seems (sub 100,000 production numbers will do that for ya). Im not worried about my resale, because I never plan on selling my wagon. :)

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Well, if you enjoy the 1/4, the Legacy GT really isn't a car for you. But if you are at the level that an automatic is beating a manual at the end of the 1/4 and not just at the beginning (hehe), then by all means an automatic is a better choice. Don't think that happens until a LOT of mods though, just too much to overcome inherit in the design.


And the 99% of the time the car isn't at the 1/4, well...

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The 5 spd in my WRX was fun. That car loved to stretch its legs. However spend an hour in stop & go traffic 1-2 gear crawl and working the clutch gets old really fast. Do this a couple of times and an auto starts to look good.
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I disagree with your statement. You said yourself, more autos are on the lot, ie meaning they DONT sell as well. All the manuals are gone (for good reason) because people did want them and bought them.


Of course all the autos are going to sell for more down the road, but they also cost a grand more to get one. Its a wash.





As I searched for manual 05 loftovers, I noticed an enormous number of 5eat transmissions on dealer lots. We always discuss the preformance difference between autos and manuals, but never seem to consider the impact it could have financially down the road.


First, the auto will help resale value. Second, there appears to be a greater market for the automatic transmission which should make for a larger potential population of buyers.


I wonder if it's worth sacrificing the feel and performance of the stick for the financial resale benefit a few years down the road?

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When I bought my LGT auto was hard to find. A non limited was few and far between also. Live in northern Ky and looked at Indy to Columbus very few. This was about a month ago but glad I got the limited. Someone bought a wagon legacy the same day havent seen em since. Only one other LGT I have seen around. That s cool though even if no one knows what a Legacy is anyway
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I disagree with your statement. You said yourself, more autos are on the lot, ie meaning they DONT sell as well. All the manuals are gone (for good reason) because people did want them and bought them.


Of course all the autos are going to sell for more down the road, but they also cost a grand more to get one. Its a wash.


Not necessarily. More autos *could* mean that. But it could also mean that the dealerships stock way more auto trannies than manuals. Or, it could be a combination of both.


The truth is, there's definitely more auto trannies out there than manuals. Most people do consider their cars as an appliance to take them from point A to point B, and nothing more (heck I was one of them! Until I got a nice car... then all bets were off! ;) )

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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But it could also mean that the dealerships stock way more auto trannies than manuals.


It means exactly that. They do not buy the same number of autos and manuals, and if you go back to the car comapnies, they don't make the same amount of either as well. Depending on the car, it could easily be as much as 6:1 in favor of the auto over manual (except when auto isn't even available). This changes for different cars, as some sports cars only come in manual, but the legacy isn't considered a sports car (though with the gt wagon 5mt I've got, it can certianly drive like one ;D

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