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Help me pick a color for my wheels.

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I picked up a second set of stock OBXT rims for dirt cheap, with the intent of sandblasting them down and plasti-dipping them. I edited some photos to see what they would look like in different colors. Plasti-dip offers some beautiful colors for both black/ grey and gold/ bronze. I wanted some other enthusiast's opinions on the colors.


I personally like the bronze, because I like the rally heritage of Subaru. My goal is a rally inspired build, but I don't know if I could pull that color off in an Outback. What do you guys think?


Here are the grey options: https://www.dipyourcar.com/collections/all/wheels-grey-silver-esr4737806


Here are the bronze options:https://www.dipyourcar.com/collections/all/wheels-copper-bronze-esr4265949


My amateur edits don't really do the colors justice, but if you squint you get a decent idea of what it should look like.





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Black wheels tend to make your wheels look smaller as they get lost with the tire so I would go for bronze or gold.


If you're going through the trouble of sandblasting them, why not spend the extra money and get them painted or powdercoated instead? I've never been a huge fan of just bare plastidip because of the matte rubberized finish. Will say, they can turn out pretty good if you use the glossifier too

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I agree with bronze. I have bright gold wheels on my Legacy GT and they're beautiful but the gold definitely gives off just a hint of juvenile arrogance. I know you didn't mention gold, that was just me rambling as well as context/support for my argument for bronze.


That car has a nice simple but pleasing aesthetic. People are so ready to start hanging stuff all over their cars like Christmas ornaments lol. Kids these days... Just kidding.

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Black wheels tend to make your wheels look smaller as they get lost with the tire so I would go for bronze or gold.


If you're going through the trouble of sandblasting them, why not spend the extra money and get them painted or powdercoated instead? I've never been a huge fan of just bare plastidip because of the matte rubberized finish. Will say, they can turn out pretty good if you use the glossifier too


I noticed that with my pictures. The black almost makes them look like 16s, to me anyways. I considered powder coating, and I may do that at some point. It's really just because I'd rather spend the money on other parts of the car. I do plan on using the glossifier/ UV protectant to protect the color.

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I agree with bronze. I have bright gold wheels on my Legacy GT and they're beautiful but the gold definitely gives off just a hint of juvenile arrogance. I know you didn't mention gold, that was just me rambling as well as context/support for my argument for bronze.


That car has a nice simple but pleasing aesthetic. People are so ready to start hanging stuff all over their cars like Christmas ornaments lol. Kids these days... Just kidding.


The gold looks good with your car. If my car was a solid color, I'd be leaning towards a brighter color, but with the beige/ grey trim I think a more subdued color would look better. I'm definitely leaning towards the Brass Monkey bronze offered by plastidip. I'm planning to put some mudflaps on it, hopefully that won't be too Christmas ornament-y.

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It would, but I drive down a gravel road everyday for work, so they'd stay dirty. Even the silver ones show dirt like crazy.


Then you want to avoid black haha. I thought having white wheels was bad but I have a set of black wheels and drive on dirt roads for work and they are almost always super nasty. For your situation sounds like bronze is the clear winner! Dust will blend in better ;)

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Pink. Pepto-Bismol pink. No one will steal your car or your wheels and you will always be able to identify it in the parking lot.


And if someone was dumb enough to steal it, the description the cops give will enable it to be spotted immediately. If they look at traffic cameras, spotting a Legacy GT with black or bronze wheels would be nearly impossible. With pink wheels, "There it is, traffic cam 37" would enable it to be spotted immediately. You might even get an insurance discount.


BTW watch out for powder coating. Some wheels turn soft or weak at the temperatures they use.

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Pink. Pepto-Bismol pink. No one will steal your car or your wheels and you will always be able to identify it in the parking lot.


And if someone was dumb enough to steal it, the description the cops give will enable it to be spotted immediately. If they look at traffic cameras, spotting a Legacy GT with black or bronze wheels would be nearly impossible. With pink wheels, "There it is, traffic cam 37" would enable it to be spotted immediately. You might even get an insurance discount.


BTW watch out for powder coating. Some wheels turn soft or weak at the temperatures they use.


Powder coating weakening wheels is an internet debate. Most powder coating processes see temperatures that are a decent amount lower than the annealing temperature of most aluminum alloys so there isn't any real risk to getting powder coat done. Also, a lot of reputable high quality wheel manufacturers use powder coating in their finishing process.

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Then you want to avoid black haha. I thought having white wheels was bad but I have a set of black wheels and drive on dirt roads for work and they are almost always super nasty. For your situation sounds like bronze is the clear winner! Dust will blend in better ;)


I believe it is! When I get them finished I'll post some pics to this thread.

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