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Thoughts on bug deflectors...


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What do you guys and gals think about the bug deflectors that are available for our Legacy GT's? I never really considered one, but saw a red GT wagon in service this morning and actually thought that it didnt look near as bad as I had thought it would. anyone else have these?


I imagine they actually help with chips and such in the hood since Subaru models seem to chip in the front fairly easily.


looking to see what everyone thinks of these things..pros/cons and just thoughts in general.


--my GT is red

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I have one on my silver and I like it alot. Yeah its not full protection but for what I can afford it does a fine job of preventing hood and glass chips.


It really depends on taste but I think it adds some character to the car. Here are pics with it on my car (I know they are not the greatest but...):




I try to get better ones.

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They are ugly... Only old people who dress themselves thinking they look good and then walk out of the house looking retarded buy them.


Jeep Grand Cherokee yes. On your car? NO!


Someone in New Zealand or Australia or something like that had a clear one.


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It's hard to even notice them on some colors.








If you didn't know there was one on there then you might not even notice it.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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