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Leaky BPV?

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I took a LV the other day and my cell D was very high. I've attach a picture of it.


I decided to make a boost leak tester assuming that it was a boost leak somewhere. I always did the blow into smaller hose on the bpv and plug the intake trick but I recently got a compressor so I made a better one. Well I heard air leaking from where the BPV meets the intercooler (racerx fmic). I looked at the gasket on the BPV and it seems fine but it was bubbling like crazy with some soapy water. Is this usually how they leak when they do bad? Theres no cracks or anything on the BPV.


BTW mods are bnr18g w/ supporting mods.


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No leaks are normal or good before or after the turbo.


Your D learning (used by WOT & open loop) is really high, in positive way, meaning ECU is having to add fuel because your leaning out. Boost leak (after turbo), will have the opposite effect, it would cause the mixture to be rich, which would lead to negative learning (ecu removing fuel).


Either you have a bad tune, or you have some other issues too, possibly a pre-maf vacuum leak, bad maf, intake without a tune.

05 LGT 16G 14psi 290whp/30mpg (SOLD)

12 OBP Stock 130whp/27mpg@87 Oct

00 G20t GT28r 10psi 250whp/36mpg

22 Ascent STOCK

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I was able to figure out the issue with the bpv. Instead of retyping it I'll paste my email to my tuner. It may have been leaking since I got returned for my ewg. Everything seems tight now. Only thing is I can't hear anything paste 5psi cause of something around the front of the manifold making a kazoo type sound. This is normal isn't it? Here's my email to my tuner and the third gear log.



leak tester ( https://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2205161 ) now that I have an air compressor. Before I was just plugging the inlet and blowing into the small hose on the BPV. I found a leak where the TB hose connects to the fmic piping. I also found out that the little brass bushing things on the oem bpv were pulling thru the plastic and not letting the bpv sit flush against the flange so I fixed both of those issues. I pressurized the system to about 10 psi according to the gauge and didnt hear any leaks other than the kazoo noise it makes at like 5 psi from under the front of the manifold. Not sure if theres a way to not have that noise during a test or not.


Could you take a look at the logs and let me know your thoughts please?


BTW, I put about 20 miles on it since I fixed said issues and reset the ECU.

romraiderlog_20171124_193257 3rd gear.csv

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Overall looking good, add one AVCS cam if not both to the log, useful info to have too. You are leaning out above 11.8AFR from 3.7k to 5.2k, I would add fuel there.


Looks like your running an FMIC (according to avatar pic), which should let you get away with leaner then TMIC mixtures but anything above 11.8AFR is still pushing it (unless you have other detonation prevention mods like meth)

05 LGT 16G 14psi 290whp/30mpg (SOLD)

12 OBP Stock 130whp/27mpg@87 Oct

00 G20t GT28r 10psi 250whp/36mpg

22 Ascent STOCK

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