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The Official F1 Thread - V2


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Just about to post that. Damnit!


Whether Lance Stroll leaves Williams in 2019 will depend on when his contract ends. If he provides lots of $$$ like his teammate to the team as part of that contract, Williams will be loath to let him go without his dad buying out the contract. Being at the bottom of constructor's points, Williams has got to be hurting for money.


I wouldn't blame either Williams driver for departing for better drives. I don't think Williams will be around in five years. Their technical dept has completely lost the F1 plot. This saddens me as they have always been my favorite team.

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Holy shit. Lance Stroll's dad, Lawrence, bought Force India.


I guess we know where Lance is going this Silly Season...



This silly season seems to be unusually crazy - now we just are going to see Kubica in Williams too! :p

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Lance Stroll's contract with Williams is up at the end of 2018. He'd be smart to abandon the sinking Williams ship for Force India if it's possible. But will Ocon or Perez leave Force india? Or will either leave?




Saw something about Alonso abandoning F1 altogether to hunt for his Indy 500 win and then McLaren letting Vandoorne go just due to performance. That leaves two holes at McLaren with a better engine... perhaps Ocon or Perez could end up there.


It also bums me out about Williams... even a few years ago when it was Massa and Bottas, they weren't bad. I think they've had a harder fall from grace than McLaren with their Honda debacle the last couple years.


I know in the long run it makes sense for Ferrari to bring up Leclerc but I want to see Kimi there just one more year... he's been a model of consistency during this middle part of the year with 4-5 consecutive podiums.

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I think Alonso has one more year in his McLaren contract, which, if true, means any other F1 team would have to buy him out with McLaren's agreement. If he goes to IndyCars, he'd go with McLaren but it's getting pretty late to do that. Plus McLaren said they want to get their F1 house in order before going into IndyCars.



As for Leclerc, if Seb wins the WC, I would bring Leclerc into Ferrari and ditch Kimi. If not, I'd leave Kimi in his Ferrari seat another year to avoid upsetting the applecart for 2019. Seb is fast on his own but his one year with Ricciardo at Red Bull indicates to me he might get a bit pissy with a fast young gun as teammate. That would hurt his 2019 championship hopes.

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Chris Horner of Red Bull says they met every demand Ricciardo made in his contract, so he thinks Daniel left RB becz Daniel was afraid of playing support monkey to Verstappen.




And Horner also says Alonso is disruptive in any team he is in and isn't interested in hiring him for 2019. Alonso was in 2007 at McLaren but he was younger then and Hamilton played his own role in that. At Ferrari, I think Alonso was frustrated the team couldn't provide him with winning equipment, and Ferrari itself is a disruptive force when they are not winning. He's been fine in his second stint with McLaren, aside from his few verbal cussings of Honda over the radio. Maybe that's the real reason Horner doesn't want Alonso -- Honda doesn't want him (which may also kibosh a Honda IndyCar motor for a McLaren team).



Edited by KartRacerBoy
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Max has made quite a few rookie mistakes (possibly due to ego) and needs to learn when to be aggressive and when to play the long game. I don't think anyone disagrees that Ric is one of the best passers on the grid so I don't see how he'd be second fiddle to Max for at least a couple years.


Read an article on Jalop the other day about how Ric had the longest stint at or with a RB affiliated team, 7 years, so he's lived out his entire RB contract.


I think Horner's comment has to do with him being salty he couldn't get Ric to stay. Horner had a much different attitude when Vettel left and Vettel exercised his "I'm in a shit car" contract clause, not living out the last day of the contract without issue like Ric did.

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I think Horner may be correct on Daniel. He sees all the hype around Verstappen within Red Bull and in the media and thinks Horner will favor him, whether it's true or not. Ricciardo has been the team leader but he may think he hasn't been given the respect he deserves despite his contract demands being met (if that's true).


I also think he doesn't have a chance to get into Mercedes or Ferrari even if he gets a one RB contract for 2019. Both teams seem to want to have a clear #1 and #2 to focus on the WDC. And I bet after his one year with Ricciardo at Red Bull where he was flattened by Daniel, Vettel has not desire for a competitive team mate. Nor does Lewis want his nicely made bed at Mercedes rumpled by Ricciardo.


So I don't know if Horner's comments were salty. Maybe a bit of that and a bit of truth especially given the lateness of the decision.

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I think Ricciardo flattening Vettel for that one year had to do with their abilities to adapt to a drastic power unit change... it took Vettel longer to adapt than Ricciardo.


Ferrari bringing up Leclerc over Kimi doesn't do anything to help their constructor's championship points which is really all that *should* matter as far as the team's concerned. I think the team is only protecting a driver's chances to win a WDC is so that #1 driver stays to win the most points they can (Lewis or Vettel) and the team is trying to find a competitive but not too competitive #2 driver to win as many points as he can without compromising the #1's chances of WDC. If that's the case, Ferrari and Mercedes are right where they should be... just that Bottas has more time left in the sport than Kimi.


Bringing up Leclerc versus signing someone else helps keep Vettel there but it does nothing to help the constructors championship for at least a year or two, unless Leclerc is a prodigy like Vettel was when he bumped from STR to RBR.

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It's at least interesting to see how it develops. Kimi is a consistent driver that seems to almost always deliver in the top but rarely takes the risks needed to become a winner. How many podiums do he have without a win now?



Ricciardo is an interesting driver to watch - he overtakes where you don't expect it - and that's what's good for the sport. So moving to Renault may benefit him, he probably got a deal stating that he would be first driver there.

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He did throw McLaren under the bus in 2007 when he said McLaren had Ferrari's 2007car blueprints. $500 million fine, iirc. Makes the fines in other sports look piddling. And yet McLaren paid the fine and still made a profit. :eek:


Yeah, Alonso acted like a petulant child back then, but dealing with Ron Dennis was never easy. He is a weird one.

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Nils, do you remember Phoenix GP in 1990 (I think)? Pirelli and Goodyears. But in the heat, regular backmarkers qualified in the front. Minardi, Dallara, and Tyrell outqualified Senna (Berger was on pole in the other McLaren)! An Osella qualified 8th!!! All these backmarkers were on Pirellis. Of course Senna won but only after a remarkable race with Alesi in his Tyrell, where they passed and repassed one another.
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I miss the time when there was more than one tire manufacturer in F1 - it made the races more interesting since the tires could behave differently when they aged over the race.


And refuelling. And not having mandatory 2 compound use.

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I don't miss refueling AT ALL. It turned the races into a series of sprints with all the passing done during pit stops. It sucked. If F1 followed IndyCar and drastically reduced downforce and enforced their one move rule on blocking (at least occasionally), I might not object since the cars could then pass on the track rather than WAITING for the next fuel stop.
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And refuelling. And not having mandatory 2 compound use.



Refuelling - well, that's coming and going. But with more than one manufacturer then the two compound use rule wouldn't be as important.




Sometimes it also feels like there are some rules about the cars that are a bit overzealous like stuff regarding rear diffuser or some of the pieces around the mirrors. We need inventions to take place, not creative ways to circumvent the rules. It would be better to limit the amount of wake turbulence a car could create. Harder to measure, but that would not be impossible considering that the airline industry has worked on that problem for a long time now.

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