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2nd coat of wolfgang sealant.. disaster!!

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So I go home early on Friday and it's nice outside, I figure 'Hey, let's put on that 2nd coat of wolfgang, OCDetails says it looks better with more layers!'


So out comes the PC, I wash, dry, and wax... takes about an hour and change. Then, just as I am admiring my nice clean shiny car, I hear the telltale faroff rumble of approaching stormclouds.


True to form, 1 hour later comes a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR.


I have no carport or garage. The poor car sits outside.


Looks like I just wasted an hour and a half. :( :( :( :(

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Boss- It's never a waste.



Us Vancouverites will get out and wash our cars if we know there will be just one day of sun sandwiched between 20 days of rain. We gotta get the detailing in when we can!;)



I bet the rain just practically lept off your freshly waxed car, am I wrong?

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Boss- It's never a waste.



Us Vancouverites will get out and wash our cars if we know there will be just one day of sun sandwiched between 20 days of rain. We gotta get the detailing in when we can!;)



I bet the rain just practically lept off your freshly waxed car, am I wrong?


Well, yes, and it was the 2nd coat so it's not as though the car was unprotected.. but the wolfgang pamphlet says that the sealant takes 12 hours to cure.. and cannot be subjected to moisture during that time.


It goes so far as to say that you shouldn't wax it at dusk, because the morning dew will choke the process.


Lame :(

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Doh! Murphy's Law strikes again :icon_frow


I washed and waxed my car this past Friday... heck even checked weather.com and it said 0% precipitation in my area.


Of course it drizzles later that night... in fact this entire weekend. :lol:

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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I wouldn't worry too much about it. It probably increased the amount of time it needs to cure, but it's not like you were putting another coat on the next day anyway. Check it out when you have a chance to wash the car and see if you notice any foggy areas. If you don't then everything is fine. More than likely everything is fine, so I wouldn't worry about it.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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