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26,506 +tax for an '05 lgt limited

Joe Touch

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so i contacted the dealer about the car over the phone and through email and the first price they have given me is 26,506. When i go in im gonna haggle quite a bit more but i was wondering if these killer deals people are getting on 05's are available for the lgt limited. i would assume so but was just wondering.



RETAIL MSRP: $29,726.00







Joseph your price would be after $1500.00 rebate: $26,506.00


so hes giving me 28,000(rough invoice)-1500(rebate) arent there more incentives besides the 1500 rebate. i am located in southern california if that changes anything.


another thing is that this car has hand painted pin stripes. has any one seen this on a legacy b4. any comments/pics on how it looks. this dealer is 65 miles from my house and i dont feel like making several trips/one dissapointing trip.


Thanks for any help in advance.

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There was a $2,000 rebate when I bought my Legacy GT Limited wagon on 9/23/05, in New York. The rebate is supposed to be in effect until 10/31


The MSRP on it was 30,953.00, I was offered 27K before tax and title/reg. So it sounds like you have a little more haggle room and mine wasn't an amazing deal according to others that have posted about theirs.

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yeah, like emulous said, i got ripped, LGT w/o your options was 26,700 after $2000 rebate here in NY. i'd bargain it down. i couldn't wiggle it down too much b/c they were bringing it in from another dealer for me - i was too lazy to travel the 50+ miles to get it.
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i work at a subaru dealership and just bought mine for 27k out the door thats with t.t.l.

and i have everything you do except the wheel locks... ohh but i got the STI STS included. there is a 1500 rebate right now but you better hurry up with that its gonna be over pretty soon.

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Hmmm... pinstripes? If you can't make the trip, ask the dealership to take pics and email them to you (and post them here if you can). Otherwise make sure you see them in person before spending some serious cash.


You're going to be spending over $26k - make sure you're happy with your choice! :cool:

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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Dood, dude...I paid 24,000 + TAX + papers (some 26,150 in total) for the regular Legacy GT back in November 2004. I am sure you can do better. The least to consider is 26,000 EVERYTHING (car, tax, title and shit)
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HopefullyLGT: What exactly does "rough invoice" mean? My LGT also stickered for $29,700, and the invoice price was around $27,300. If by "rough invoice", they mean "$700 over invoice", that's a lot of extra money out of your pocket and into theirs. There is no way you should have to pay more than "actual" invoice minus the $1,500 incentive for an '05, and you could probably do better, because they need to move the '05's off the lot.


I just bought an '06 Outback for my wife this week, and we got the car for actual invoice minus the $1,000 incentive (the incentive is less for '06's). There wasn't any hard negotiating on my part; he knew I was a somewhat informed consumer, and he cut right to the chase with that offer.


Check around with other dealers if they won't do any better. There still are some '05's left, and the dealers need to clear them out.

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