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Where is the reverse light switch?

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reverse light of my legacy doesnt work so I dont know where it placed on the automatic transmission? can someone describe or take a photo? I will try cleaning first.


If I remember right, it's in the shifter assembly in the center console


Its the little black box with the 2 wires running to it


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I didnt find any info on the net search but I found only that it can be placed on the transmission box... or it may be placed on shifter assembly as you say... and maybe I need new one but which part should I buy on the list below? any help?



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I hate to sound like a jerk, but have you checked the bulbs themselves to make sure they aren't burned out? The turn signal bulb is also a 1156, so if you know that works, switch it out just in case and test it... I had a similar issue where neither of mine were working, and found that the wiring inside my wagon lid had been cut (most llikely by me not paying attention during another mod), so I had to put in a connection and they worked again.


I think Brighton96 is correct that the little box is the correct one. As for the part on the list, I'm not 100% sure. This might be a part that you may need to find in a junkyard since they may be hard to come by.

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I have thought about it more and I'm pretty sure that box/switch is the parking safety switch since it's in contact with the shifter only in the park position. The one I think it may be is the white solenoid seen here

But in all honesty I'm not certain, if the bulbs were fine then I'd go to a junkyard and pull all of the sensors and switches in the shifter assemble and see if that fixes it. I can't imagine it'd be more then a few dollars.


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