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Above normal operating temperature

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Yesterday I got stuck in some stop and go traffic with weather conditions in the upper 80's. During the stop and go traffic I noticed the temperature gauge began to climb past the normal operating temperature.


I mentioned this issue on the forum before (I believe last year( and thought the issue was related to a problem with the axillary cooling fan as it did not appear to be operating as expected. Through my troubleshooting efforts the axillary fan began to work and I thought nothing more of it until a month or so ago.


Again I was in stop and go traffic and the temperatures were in the mid 80's. I thought maybe the axillary fan was again acting up as the symptoms were similar to last year. Unfortunately by the time I was able to get it to my mechanic the temperatures had dropped to an average of 50 degrees and he was unable to replicate the problem. Given my previous diagnosis I had him replace the axillary fan. All was good in with my car until yesterday when the temperature began to increase as before. I would like to state that at no time did it overheat or even exceed the high temperature marking on the gauge. However that may not continue to be the case. Here are the symptoms:



  • The increased temperature appears to be when the vehicle is not in motion. At stop lights the temperature remains normal. I've only observed the problem in stop and go traffic (all times).
  • This happens when the temperature is warm...I've only observed it when the outside temperature is in the 80's and 90's. Perhaps it would do so in the 70's but I haven't observed it.
  • The temperature gauge drops when I turn on the heater.
  • Haven't been able to determine if air conditioning contributes to the problem.

What I have done:



  • Replaced the ECU per the recall notice for this vehicle (it is a manual). This was to disable the fans from always operating.
  • Replaced the axillary fan.

I drove it over 100 miles today in 80 and 90 degree heat and the temperature was normal the entire time. However I did not encounter much stop and go traffic (though I did need to stop for several stop lights).



The fact the problem occurs during slow, stop and go traffic suggest a problem with the cooling fans failing to operate. However having replaced one of them and observing the primary cooling fan appears to operate fine I'm wondering if there's another cause. Perhaps the water pump is beginning to fail and cannot move sufficient water at low speed? Thermostat?



I'll be scheduling an appointment with my mechanic for sometime this week. With temperatures expected to be in the 90's for the week I'm hoping he'll be able to reproduce the symptoms. Thinking I may just have him replace the water pump, primary cooling fan, possibly radiator, and thermostat...just to have it all overhauled. Any other parts to consider?

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I'm no cooling system expert, but I'll throw out my .02 anyways. Part of me wonders if you have a little air in your cooling system. Here's a how to on burping (or refill/fill?) the LGT cooling system.





*By the way, after rereading your post, I would burp the system, or do a drain/fill using the procedure in the link above before replacing any parts.

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I'm no cooling system expert, but I'll throw out my .02 anyways. Part of me wonders if you have a little air in your cooling system. Here's a how to on burping (or refill/fill?) the LGT cooling system.





*By the way, after rereading your post, I would burp the system, or do a drain/fill using the procedure in the link above before replacing any parts.

I believe you may be on to something. This morning I checked the overflow tank for coolant and there wasn't any present. This suggests the system may be low on coolant. I think I'm going to have my mechanic replace the thermostat which (I believe) will require the cooling system to be opened up. Then he can ensure it's properly filled / burped. I don't know if the thermostat has ever been replaced and I think this is a good preventative measure. I had a 1984 Honda Accord which had an overheating issue. Turned out to be the thermostat.

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Mechanic just called and stated I need a new radiator. You guys are good.


Typical....the you guy's being good, part of that statement.


The car is 10 years old...its a plastic radiator. They won't last forever.


Hey, which coolant was in it...;) LOL

305,600miles 5/2012 ej257 short block, 8/2011 installed VF52 turbo, @20.8psi, 280whp, 300ftlbs. (SOLD).  CHECK your oil, these cars use it.


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Typical....the you guy's being good, part of that statement.


The car is 10 years old...its a plastic radiator. They won't last forever.


Hey, which coolant was in it...;) LOL

I'm cool with replacing the radiator given its age (and mileage). I certainly don't expect any vehicle to be problem free forever. One of the reasons I purchased the Subaru is its low operational / maintenance / repair costs (compared to my BMW).

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I gather they will get a replacement from the local auto parts store. They'll use what they trust.


Keep an eye on the temp gauge for a few day's, you may want to carry some coolant with you, just in case it needs to be topped off. I gather they know how to burp the system. These cars are picky about that.


I normally check the fluid levels in the car every few weeks this time of year, and normally make sure I have a idea of how much the car uses so that during winter time, I know these will be fine if I don't get a chance to check it as often.

305,600miles 5/2012 ej257 short block, 8/2011 installed VF52 turbo, @20.8psi, 280whp, 300ftlbs. (SOLD).  CHECK your oil, these cars use it.


Engine Build - Click Here

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I believe they're going to use an OEM radiator. At least that's what they did when I had to replace the one in my 1997 Outback. I trust them to use whatever parts they feel are appropriate...they have a lot more experience with these vehicles than I do.


I do have a gallon of the Peak 50/50 in the back to ensure I have some just in case. I do keep an eye on the temperature gauge which is how I noticed it creeping up over the weekend. Even more so now that I am having it serviced. Glad there's a gauge for it (some of my previous BMWs don't have one...just the high performance models do)


I'll be popping the hood a little more frequently now that I am aware of some things I'll need to keep an eye on. Thanks for all the advice.

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just found this thread again and had the same issues as op. i replaced radiator and hoses a while back and filled antifreeze to what i thought was spec. i just took the last 30 minutes to burp the system again and to my somewhat surprise i had to put almost 34 gallon more into it. runs great now. no issues with overheating randomly at this time
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