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I've had to get out of the habit of keeping change in my car. At first i tried keeping it in the ashtray, that sucked though becuase it was impossible to get coins back out of easily. So now, when I do have change i'll drop it in the cup holder and then usually take it out when i remember to.



I agree, kind of odd that thier is no coin holder in this car.

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I keep it in the dash cubby - I use one of those 3-hole spring-loaded change holders so things don't rattle around. :)

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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I keep my change in the cupholder that is obstructed by my arm rest when it is extended.


In my late 93' Honda Accord, it had a pull out drawer to the left of the steering wheel that was great for holding change. At any given time I must have had $7-10 in change in that drawer b/c I would always forget to grab a handful before going in to buy a drink or whatever.


I once got rear-ended in that car. I was kind of dazed because my head hit the column and I was bleeding profusely. I stumbled out the car with about $1 in change falling to the ground. The inside of my car looked like someone put a stick of dynamite inside a piggy bank. The drawer had popped open and ejected all the change. I'm sure the people at the body shop were wondering what the hell happened.

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I had this same problem with this car. So I took out the ashtray and lined it with adhesive felt, making sure not to block the window for the light to come through, and then put it back in the car. It's a bit of a pain to get the change out easily but not that bad.




Also, I had a 92 accord with the same change drawer. It was awesome. It was high by the driver window and I found since it was directly below the air vent, it kept the change cool in summer and warm in winter. Don't know if that was done on purpose or not, but it was sweet.

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I had a small rubbermaid container that fits perfectly in the cubby, glovebox or armrest. Great place for my change and I can move it to where I want it. It doesn't rattle when it's full.


I do miss the change holder in my Mazda 6 (and the steering wheel audio controls)though. :-(

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all my change goes in the cup holder closest to the arm rest. i have the little rubber pad in the front cup holder so that any moisture from my drinks is collected on it. the rearward cup holder is kinda the all purpose area holds change my cell and lighter.

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I use the ashtray + felt + sound-dampening foam spray (quarters only) to get rid of rattling change. My question is ... Does the EZ pass work at dunkin' donuts??:)
Stage2.5376, TDC ProTune,blah blah blahhhh and....Alky/H20 injection :icon_mrgr
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