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05 LGT MT - Is it possible?

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I just had the front passenger axle replaced by the deal. Is it possible to do that without removing the brakes? The reason i ask is, it still made a noise after the install. I inspected it myself and found the brake mounting bracket to be loose and making the noise. I took it back to them today to get fixed and they stated it was not their fault and their are able to replace the axle without taking off the brakes on the front passenger side. Trying to determine if this is possible and its just something that happened over time or it is their fault and they passed the buck onto me.
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No, it is not required - you can remove the ball joint mounting bolt or the strut bolts. Do you have a socket wrench to tighten the bracket? I find it very odd that it would be loose though. It sounds like the dealership might have thrown money at the problem versus a proper troubleshooting technique.
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I took it to them to replace the axle. The inner boot of the axle was shredded and clicking badly. After this was fixed the noise was noticed, the mechanic offered to inspect it further and replace the tire rod ends. They did that with Subaru parts, it didn't fix the noise so offered to not charge for the labor. I inspected the car thursday night and immediately found loose brake mount, attempted to remove it. Couldn't remove it or tighten it, so called the dealership believing they had messed it up in the process of replacing the axle.


Today they took me in at short notice, the mechanic was able to fix the problem with a torch. No problems.

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