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Water Pump?

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So I'm driving into work this morning for the first day of my new job and when i get there, steam comes pouring out from under the hood. Coolant is spitting out all over the place. As I had to get in to work on time, I couldnt check it out right away. Temp guage did not go up.


Went out on lunch and started it up after adding some water to the coolant over flow tank. Took it for a 5 minute ride and the the temp guage starts shooting up. Got back to work, opened the hood and yup, more coolant spitting out.


Is this the water pump? I drive an '08 legacy gt with about 74000 on it. Anyone else have an issue like this at this mileage?


Any help would be appreciated.

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Most likely a leaking hose.


The water pump will normally drip out the weep hole and just give off a little steam. My year old Gates did that a few months back.


You'll want to check for a cracked neck on the radiator too. Those seem to be pretty normal for the issue your having.


if you need a radiator, contact m sprank, he can get you what you need. http://www.infamousperformance.net


or if your east coast, Mike at http://www.AZPinstalls.com email him from his site.

305,600miles 5/2012 ej257 short block, 8/2011 installed VF52 turbo, @20.8psi, 280whp, 300ftlbs. (SOLD).  CHECK your oil, these cars use it.


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