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Noob Romraider question. Help!


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I've been trying to set up Romraider to log some data on my laptop. Only problem I'm facing now is that there are no parameters in the list. There is a long list of a bunch of built in sensors, but that's all. I read on Romraider's website that you get your parameters from logger definitions. I downloaded the logger definitions from the site and opened them up in Romraider logger, but there were still no parameters in the list. Could someone please tell me how I get these parameters? I tried searching, but apparently nobody else has had this problem. :confused:
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Hmmm...Im trying to think


you are using the logger not the ECUeditor correct?


did you go to settings and then point the logger to the definitions?


Yes, I am using logger. I did go to settings and pointed the logger to the definitions I found on Romraider's website.

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Have you been able to pull a ROM and flash a ROM? Just wondering what cable you were using and if that was good


still in test mode after flashing?


Does the logger see the cal id and ecu id in the lower right hand corner?


Have you read through the FAQ and followed each step? http://www.romraider.com/Documentation/RomRaiderFAQ#toc2



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Are you sure you got a connection to the ECU? (just thinking of the easiest solution first)


I downloaded the logger definitions from the site and opened them up in Romraider logger


That may be your problem, you don't open the defs in RomRaider, you copy the def files to your RomRaider directory.

EDIT: Sounds like you got that right.


This is an easy fix, there's something simple missing.

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Do you have your OP2 module plugged in and the ignition turned on? The parameter list will not load until RR is connected to the ECU, has the ECU ID and knows which parameters are available.
Obligatory '[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/2008-gh8-238668.html?t=238668"]build thread[/URL]' Increased capacity to 2.7 liters, still turbo, but no longer need spark plugs.
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I've already flashed a new map with the cable, so the cable isn't the problem. That OP2 module harness, or those green connectors I think they are, are connected. My ignition is on. But I get a message on the bottom that says, "unable to send ECU init- check cable is connected and ignition is on." And I did both those things, but there still are no parameters.
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You don't need or want the test mode connectors hooked up while logging, only when trying to read or flash ROM images.


First, I'd be sure you have a connection via ECUflash. Open ECUflash and let it read the ROM off the ECU. If that doesn't work you're not going to get RR logger going.

Once that works okay close ECUflash to be sure it's not trying to do something in the background or is hogging the COM port. Remember this is Windoze so things go wrong for no good reason at all. USB stack crashes are common. If RR logger still doesn't work try quitting and restarting. Try ejecting the USB connection to the OP2, unplugging, and plugging in again to let Windoze recognize the device again. Try restarting Windoze.

Obligatory '[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/2008-gh8-238668.html?t=238668"]build thread[/URL]' Increased capacity to 2.7 liters, still turbo, but no longer need spark plugs.
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Did everything you said. This is a brand new laptop with windows 8, just installed the new and improved windows 8.1 update, but still no luck.


EDIT: When I try using the logger.xml file for logger definition location, it keeps saying, "logger definition not configured."

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So go back through those steps and sort out your definitions. There were some people on RR.com having issues with Win8...
Obligatory '[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/2008-gh8-238668.html?t=238668"]build thread[/URL]' Increased capacity to 2.7 liters, still turbo, but no longer need spark plugs.
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Did you sort out your definitions? Did you add them in correctly? If you have, then fahr_side is likely to be right - Windows 8 is probably the issue. Got a Windows XP or Windows 7 notebook you can borrow?
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Can you run the Romraider editor and open any saved ROM images?
Obligatory '[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/2008-gh8-238668.html?t=238668"]build thread[/URL]' Increased capacity to 2.7 liters, still turbo, but no longer need spark plugs.
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Can you run the Romraider editor and open any saved ROM images?


Yes. Could somebody please just send me a link to these logger definitions as a .xml document? My laptop just will not open them, period.

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No. The definitions are only published in a .zip file and the creators specifically ask that no-one mirror the files or post them elsewhere.


Download the .zip file here.

Open the file with Winzip, WinRAR or whatever.

Extract the file 'logger_STD_EN_v154.xml' to a folder in your documents library.

Open RR logger.

Key Ctrl+F or select 'Logger definition location...' from the Settings menu.

Browse to the file 'logger_STD_EN_v154.xml' you just extracted.


You can ignore any messages about the 'cars definition file' or 'cars_def.xml' being missing because those are only used by the dyno function in RR logger. For some stupid reason my Win7 desktop never seems to remember where the definitions are and I have to reset the definition location every time I start the logger. My WinXP notebook doesn't have a problem with that.


EDIT: Thanks to iNVAR, who reminded me that RR logger has to be run as Administrator for changes to logger definition settings to stick when closing the program. It would be a good habit to always run RR as Administrator.

Obligatory '[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/2008-gh8-238668.html?t=238668"]build thread[/URL]' Increased capacity to 2.7 liters, still turbo, but no longer need spark plugs.
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It worked! I guess I just needed to use that WinZip application to open the definitions because I didn't have any program on my laptop that would let me open them before. Thanks a million, fahr_side!
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You can ignore any messages about the 'cars definition file' or 'cars_def.xml' being missing because those are only used by the dyno function in RR logger. For some stupid reason my Win7 desktop never seems to remember where the definitions are and I have to reset the definition location every time I start the logger. My WinXP notebook doesn't have a problem with that.


EDIT: Thanks to iNVAR, who reminded me that RR logger has to be run as Administrator for changes to logger definition settings to stick when closing the program. It would be a good habit to always run RR as Administrator.


Thanks for this info. I wasted like 30mn last week trying to figure out why I was getting that message about 'missing cars_def.xml' file each time I opened RR logger.

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