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Everything posted by NSFW

  1. NSFW

    Weird News

    Norfolk police warn of alarming clown epidemic http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/28/norfolk-police-warn-alarm-clown-norfolk
  2. http://pics.kuvaton.com/kuvei/snail_mail.jpg
  3. If you have access to a lift, don't pass it up. Anything under the car is a lot easier with a lift.
  4. I'm in pretty much the same boat. The guy at the shop that installed my clutch and STS a couple weeks ago said he zip-tied the cable so it wouldn't rub... about a week later it was rubbing when in 5th gear. I lengthened the lever, but now the knob sits too high and the throw is too long. Need to get under the car and take a look. I don't know that I would trust zip ties to last long... Then again I have no idea what size zip tie he used, or how many.
  5. Shoulda been "Yeth, son?" in the middle frame...
  6. I didn't know Evergreen had a drag strip. Now I'm intrigued. Is it a full quarter-mile? Or is it just an eighth-mile track?
  7. I don't disagree with merging my 6MT thread into this one, but it does kinda suck that the single most useful post in this whole thread is buried in the middle, at position 530. And I'd like to think that 531-534 are pretty helpful too, if you don't mind my saying so. Can we bump those to the top, or at least can we bump 530 up to the top? With those posts buried right in the middle of this more-than-a-thousand-post-long thread, they are going to be exactly as helpful to other people as if you'd just deleted my thread completely.
  8. NSFW


    "The Americans think they are outsourcing design and manufacturing to Taiwan, so that they can focus on the most profitable part of the business. The Taiwanese see themselves outsourcing the sales and marketing to the US, so that they can focus on the most valuable part of the business." ...said the CEO of a well-known Taiwanese electronics company. I'm not at liberty to name names, and I'm paraphrasing, but I felt that the idea was worth sharing.
  9. You need to scan the code. My guess is "system too lean" caused by a vacuum leak, but you shouldn't rely on a guess - scan the code. That's what OBD2 is for.
  10. NSFW

    Car PC

    I started with a Xenarc that wasn't "sunlight readable" (IIRC, the technical term is transflective?) and it worked well enough most of the time. But it did wash out in bright sun. But eventually I broke it while removing the cubbyhole/bezel. So I upgraded... I now have a "sunlight readable" display from MoCoSo and it is definitely much, much better. Never any issues with it under any light conditions. But at $400 it did cost twice as much as the old display, or maybe more than twice. But then again I haven't looked at pricing in years so I don't know what the premium is now.
  11. NSFW

    Weird News

    We've all seen news articles that are bizarre and/or hilarious... So here is a thread to collect the weirdest and funniest. I'll start: http://www.kcna.co.jp/item/2012/201211/news29/20121129-20ee.html It's from the state-run media, so you know it's true!
  12. Too many unhappy customers. Axles that don't fit right, that make noise, break too easily, etc. There's a thread at NASIOC with a number of grumpy (former) customers. Not just random voices from the internet either - it's Kartboy, Rallispec, Turn In Concepts, DS1... http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1587952 The final straw was when I stumbled on a thread from a guy who posted a pic of his stock axle next to the DSS version... The ABS ring was missing, but DSS insisted that their axle was correct and refused to do anything about it. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2038512 And my fears are compounded by the fact that these would be their very first spec B axles (as of the time I talked with them... it's been about a year now). I don't want to be a guinea pig for a company that doesn't stand behind their work.
  13. They're no good at returning emails, that's all I really know. They initially tried to steer me toward DSS. After I told them I didn't want DSS, they said they could work something out with Albins, and then I never heard back from them. That was a couple months ago, maybe longer. I have my hands full with new-house stuff now though.
  14. NSFW


    I have no idea whose words those air, but they are both profound enough to post here.
  15. NSFW


    "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled." Mark Twain said that. I know he did because I read so on the internet, and nothing you say can possibly prove otherwise.
  16. MAF = mass air flow. Usually refers to the MAF sensor, which is located right behind the air filter. IAT = intake air temperature. The IAT sensor is actually integrated into the MAF sensor. CEL = check engine light.
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