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Posts posted by Marvick08GT

  1. Must be OCD like me... Just grab the metal line and bend it upwards a bit until it is straight like the rest. Doesnt hurt anything, just bugged the hell out of me until I "fixed" it. GL!


    Boxkita, he is referring to where the line attaches by the IM, I am pretty sure people lean on it while working on the car and bend it down slightly.

  2. Because you need to have a certain amount of posts and community involvement before selling anything. I am not sure why people buy cars and then ditch them at the first sign of an issue.


    GET THE CAR DIAGNOSED! Shouldn't be more than $100 at a reputable shop.

    Then you can sell the car if you so choose, but you will be able to let the new buyer know what is wrong. Might even cost less to fix than you realize.

    I bought my spec B for pennies on the dollar, previous owner thought the engine was gone as well. Now she has over 500hp on the same 185k mile engine... GL

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