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Posts posted by LatentWagen

  1. Almost done



    What a nice space; those tiles look 10x better!


    Feels great when you can re-purpose/use extra, and probably spend more on beverages consumed while working than the project itself :cool:

  2. If you track your car, these upgrades will prove their worth, on the street, they are just bling.


    The same could be said about power or suspension mods. Not many of us can fully use 300HP on the street, but nobody thinks twice about stage 2. Really, anything other than basic transportation is bling, then.


    Not being able to over drive them on the street doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the mod, whether it's a big turbo, big brakes, or grippy tires.

  3. I'm not opposed to racing seats and harness at this point, actually I need them since I'm sliding all over the oem leather seats. I guess my real question is whether a seat and harness negates the need for airbags in a vehicle that will see road use occasionally.


    I have the same problem, our seats are too big for my bony arse :lol:


    Alcantara helps, it grips much better than leather. But there's still very little lateral support.


    IMO the Bugeye WRX seats were the some of the best Subaru ever made for the US market, and JDM STi seats are *perfect* (but usually too pricey, and with the adjustment on the wrong side).

  4. To clarify and compare:


    For LGT fronts:

    DBA 4k (DBA 42650S) weights 23.2lbs (Amazon)

    Centric Premium (120.47024) weights 22.4lbs (Amazon)

    Subaru OE (26300AG02A) weights ~22lbs (10kg) according to a few online sources.


    For 04 STI fronts:

    DBA 4ks (DBA 4654S-10) come in at 21.6lbs (Amazon)

    Centric/Stoptech slotted (126.47019SL): 23lbs (Amazon)

    Subaru OE / Brembo (26300FE00): 20lbs (Amazon)


    But I don't really trust much of this. Sometimes Amazon lists a separate "item weight" versus a "shipping weight", and sometimes they don't. In the case of the STI OE rotor, the item weight was 20lbs, and the shipping weight was 23.6lbs. However, they all list the item weight, so that's what I listed above assuming it was just the item alone.


    No way they weigh what they say they weigh :p


    They also list the DBA 5000 T3 STi rotor as 20.4lbs (what I run), and they're definitely much lighter than the Subaru OE/Brembo, and likely more than 1.2lbs lighter than the 4000.

  5. Folks, today was almost a day where I could have added some potentially major drama to bust up the monotony of the last 3 weeks. On my way in to work travelling at ~60 MPH, the Camaro in front of me suddenly veered hard to the right. Before I even had time to react or see why, I caught a glimpse of something black zip under my car and heard a resounding 'clang' as it connected with the skid plate, then the sound of it dragging as I slowed down.


    I pulled over and inspected the car - no damage to the bumper cover whatsoever and other than a healthy gouge and small dent in the skid plate, no sign than anything happened. Had I not upgraded to the Primitive plate (3/16"), I could have possibly destroyed better than $2500 worth of goodies.


    Primitive Racing FTW!!!


    Bullet dodged! Or... stopped? Gotta love when a mod does its job as intended :cool:


    You must've been following that Camaro pretty close!

  6. its painfully obvious none of you are engineers.


    if you want to be hacked honda go ahead.


    this is the same situation of needing a faster car because you cant drive what you have. its false beliefs for lack of skill. instead of understanding and maximizing what you have you choose to cobble something else together. for what?


    youve easily proven my point about circle jerking. thanks for that.


    stop tech pads dont really fade. most of you who cobble this together will use some generic pad that isnt that good because dust is low then will use a low friction tire are near stock widths.


    lower it then do camber to make it fit. but then you loose contact patch for braking. oh noes.


    i can understand your lack of thought, insight and plain old ignorance. it happena to the all of us. This sentence made me :lol:


    i did say i was curious how it comes out. read my first paragraph and see why im worried we wont get full effect.


    bragging about 20 wheels and having 0 measurements...it proves my point. I've had 8 Subarus over the years, so 20 sets of wheels is not a lot between winter/summer sets. The point was that wheels are easily swapped out for another set.


    pedal feel? no fade? serriously? Straw man. Nobody said "no fade"... however, I'll stand behind what I did say: more "fade resistance" due to bigger rotors.


    please continue on. im curious what the end results are , the final costs and most of all the cost of your time through all of this. would like to see some performance improvement figures as well. stock vs modified stock vs this setup. what pads and tires are used. stopping distances. you know. some real quantitive data.


    thank you for all your efforts. i truly look forward to the end results.


    Everyone gets what you are saying. It's not ideal, even if you have the right wheels to clear. However, neither are the stock brakes.


    I'm actually interested to see more real world feedback from people who are trying new things instead of lobbing insults from the sidelines. I'm really not sure why you would look forward to any results, if you're not interested in the premise :iam:


    Doing a quick search of your posts, you seem to get into it in just about every thread you post in. Reminds me of an old saying: If you meet one a'hole in the morning, you met an a'hole. If you meet a'holes all day, the a'hole is you.

  7. if my facts came across as negative it was YOU who seen them as negative. it was an innocent observation.


    i have rpf1's and will never buy wrx wheels. why others just happen to have a set is a head scratcher.


    ive worked in a r&d environment before. seen this same style of cobbling before. in the end its hacked beyond what it should be and its not perfect or clean.


    look at whats being posted. shaving the wheels? shaving the brakes? buying another set of wheels? for what exactly? the "look" of bigger brakes?


    now i can agree what ive typed is negative but not the other one. im super curious why people are chipping away at a square wheel to make it round.


    I'm all for discourse in a thread, and I think that a few of your criticisms have actually been valid... but you've clearly got tunnel-vision. We heard you the five times. But, we will continue to disagree with you; it's not just for looks: Bigger rotors. More torque. Fade resistance. Better feel. ALL of these are valid reasons for upgrading. Further, there's no shaving, or cutting required, provided you have a set of wheels that do clear. Wheels can be bought and sold. I've had at least 20 sets, myself.


    i am curious. sure. but knowing how the stock brakes work i wont be doing a change for looks. at least you need to be honest. people are doing for others to look at. for lack of self confidence. guess im at a stage in my life where i dont understand why people are desperate for others recognition.


    some basic measurements would save everyone a LOT of time guessing what will fit and what wont etc. its quite a bit faster than trial and error.


    I went ahead and bolded your quote to point out how what you call "your facts" turns into classic psychological projection. There's no need to attack other's self-confidence based on a brake upgrade.


    To be quite blunt, I think it's you who lack the confidence, intellect, and overall demeanor to have a productive civil discussion. Maybe you're looking for recognition that you haven't received in life? Who knows. You won't find it here, with an attitude like that.


    Now, for the sake of everyone else, please find the nearest exit :)

  8. It's kind of bitter-sweet right now but I'm sure the bitter will fade quickly once we are moved.


    The bitter will fade as soon as you realize you've got 8 acres and no neighbors. That's room enough for motorsports, right there!

  9. Got my steps to the basement finished.




    What color should I paint the walls in the stairwell? Wife is thinking a light green.


    Steps look great, Fulton!


    Painted my Mom's bedroom with this (from BM Williamsburg palette) a couple of years back; it might be the right brown for that cherry.




  10. Don't get me wrong. i'd prefer a matched brembo setup for the car but given the price tag. I couldn't turn it down. it functions similarly to my STI brembo setup on my STI so i cannot complain here either.


    I'm with you here. Put it this way, I won't be buying STi Brembos for the Saabaru, but I am really considering these. The 18"s are the only issue for me. I really think with a little grinding, they'd clear some 17"s... When I have a few bucks free in the mod fund, I'll try to test fit one ATS caliper on my Legacy, and see how much material needs to come off to make it fit under the 17"s.

  11. [ATTACH]229083[/ATTACH]


    Here's one I just took now.


    Combined below, with higher resolution.


    My 17" vs your 18" wheels is a little tricky to size up right. If you have a perfect "face on" shot, the comparison would be a little better scaled.


    As you wear your rotors more, the pad swept area will be more clear, but right now it looks like you're missing a little on the inside of the rotor (probably not a big deal, in terms of torque applied, might be weird for rotor wear, though).




  12. Cars are always a poor investment, unless you really pick the right ones... if you rebuild, then you'll have a 5k car that you just spent 7k on. If you buy new(er), you get to experience the steep part of the depreciation curve. Smart people buy older cars that have turned the corner and are starting to appreciate in value, but that can be dangerous too.


    Point being, if you like the car, keep it and enjoy it, because most other options are equally fiscally irresponsible :)

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