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Everything posted by Brady

  1. So is anything going on now or not?
  2. Ted, is that the park on 83 about 10-15 miles south of Parker?
  3. Yeah, glad you made it out too Putnam! Hope you'll make future meets too.
  4. Maybe I'm not invited since I keep saying I'm going to make it, but I haven't been added to the list! And Ted, hope you make it. It's not the Colorado cook book, but breakfast I'm referring to.
  5. I believe it's still in good shape for Saturday. I still plan to be there. See some of you bitches there.
  6. There aren't any members worth accommodating down in the Springs! Naw, I'm just saying that every "Denver" meet I've ever heard of are on the south end of town. And I'm hoping you drag your ass up to this one. I will be in on Saturday. It's just a hop away from my place.
  7. Hey I'm all for trying a new BBQ place, and it's not too far from me ... but it's WAY out of the way for anyone who doesn't live on the south end of town. I'd kind of like to see some of the folks who have a harder time making our typically south-centric meets. Any other suggestions? Maybe off of I-25 and Colorado maybe? That would seemingly be a little more accessible for folks west or north.
  8. Psh ... I was just shooting for a little spontaneity. The chick pissed me off this morning, so I decided to blow her off tonight, thus why I thought I'd see if anyone was free.
  9. Hey! Late notice ... anyone want to have a guys night tonight?
  10. I've walked on part of the track (on accident - I'll explain below) and it didn't strike me as a fast track. It's easy to find on Google Earth if you can locate the mesas in Golden (its on the south mesa). So, my sister and her husband moved out here in August of '05. They live in an apartment right against the south mesa. I drove out with Mom and Dad to help her move - Dad and I drove the moving truck, she shared driving in her car with Mom. So the morning after we moved all her stuff in the apartment, I got up early and went for a walk and headed up the mesa. I walked around up there and stumbled across the State Patrol track up there and wondered what it was for almost 2 years until I saw something last summer about one of the track days up there. I'm totally looking forward to this - it should be a really good time.
  11. Also signed up for Driving School day ... Still not sure if I'll do the track day ... but I'll think on that a couple days. Where after I will probably sign up for that too
  12. Well, not a member of Pirates, but wanted to go. As things go though, I have lunch plans that interfere with the meet, so I'm out.
  13. So nice to meet so many new members today! I think Han was the only guy I'd met before. I'm so thankful for everyone who came out. Big thanks to everyone who helped out on the brakes. HUGE thanks to Ted for setting up the great space to work in, and HUGE thanks to Han for being THE MAN on my bolt problem! The brakes feel great. For those who weren't there, I swapped front rotors (just straight replacements for OE) with Hawk HPS pads and Goodridge SS Brake Lines at all 4 corners. Bedded the pads on the way home and things feel great. I was skeptical that I would really feel the difference, but there's no question that I feel more initial bite with a much firmer pedal and the new pads are much quieter than my OE pads w/ 60,000 miles. But here's the highlight of the day, the bolt. I just wish we had a picture of Ted and I with the 3 foot breaker bar working on the bolt just before it broke! http://burnedimage.afraid.org/lgt/bolt.jpg
  14. But I bet it'll be wrong wheel drive. But otherwise looks hot!
  15. So does this mean I should also order up some stainless lines?
  16. I'd love to get in on Sunday for brakes as well, if it fits. Can't make it on Saturday due to a wedding.
  17. Do you have to work at being such a tool, or does it just come naturally?
  18. Well, I hope someone tells Bridgestone about this obvious problem with Directional Snows. The LM-25 and the WS-60, both excellent snow tires, are both directional. Dunlop is also going to be pissed when they realize the M3 and 3D snow tires are sub-standard due to their directional design. Also, for a performance oriented snow tire, H or V rated, it isn't going to hurt them to drive them for a few hours in 70 degree weather. I didn't worry last year until it started hitting 80+. Even at that, one day didn't do any harm, but I wouldn't make a habit of it. That's why I got a spare set of wheels so in a pinch, I could just swap wheels with the tires already mounted.
  19. Ah! It was Han who picked up the drinks! Many thanks also! I was mad confused about that, but a wise man once told me never to question when my tab was paid! I look forward to a chance to pay you back at a future meet!
  20. Yes, Han, nice to meet you too. The smoky smell is the reason I won't wear my coat in there anymore ... but I can live with that. I just take everything I was wearing and throw it in the wash. Works for me, at least. I liked the idea of going downtown, so maybe next time we can do something like that. Or just something different.
  21. I wasn't going to say anything, but yes, you would benefit from a shower.
  22. I was referring to skiing you tool! See you down there in a bit.
  23. Well, I have this job ... and it kind of prevents me from skiing during the week. I'm not so sure I'm going to make it this weekend now that my knee is bothering me again tonight.
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