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I Donated Too
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Everything posted by whitetiger

  1. $7k for a YNANSBAT+headwork special on a 180K mile chassis? I dont know. you might want to part this one out.
  2. i'm sure your anecdotal experiences at dealerships are all positive. driving straight and true with little wear isn't all that's required for a good alignment, and I've heard countless dealership horror stories regarding alignments, including working at a Subaru dealership and seeing the horror shows first hand. finding a shop you trust, that you know will do a good job, dealership or not, is whats most important. going for just green on the spec sheet without understanding car balance and how imbalances exacerbate themselves on the limits for grip is the sign of a bad alignment tech.
  3. anyone who designs a men's bathroom with out urinal dividers needs to dragged in to the street and shot.
  4. I wonder what his hourly rate is if the customer provides parts purchased from ebay/craigslist.
  5. "im gonna make this go viral" -138 views
  6. for camber, id just go as negative as you can while being equal on both sides. your stock camber adjustments can only go so far, and their limits are well within streetable specs. and "poorly" is objective here. if the shop wont spend the time to get both side to be equal, then they did a poor job, period. the rear toe is the most critical aspect of a car's alignment. Having any kind of thrust angle throws off the rest of the car. green/=good. balance=good
  7. that alignment was done poorly. your rear toe should be 0.00000000 with a thrust angle of 0.00000000 camber should be even on both sides too. take it back and have them do it right.
  8. i'd stay away from exposed spherical bearings if you want longevity. that's why kta124 is the best choice. id find out what kind of bushing the truhart arms use. FWIW you are probably gonna want more rear toe adjustability than what the stock eccentric bolts give as well.
  9. emtpy roads driving game. the highway number is now the speed limit......go.
  10. it was covering fries. So the restaurant cut holes in it to let the moisture escape. he'll be ok.
  11. number of VPNs hosted in italy is gonna skyrocket.
  12. you all need to listen to me now. <-----------------------
  13. Perform AT learning in other news, stealership is a stealership
  14. yes, the 6mt and the 5eat DP are the same length IIRC while the 5mt DP is different. that would call for sensors with different cable lengths, hence the different part #'s
  15. both are reputable brands that will be fine as replacements.
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