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Everything posted by nightspeed98

  1. Would you kindly explain what the benefit of an AOS is?
  2. http://legacygt.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1239&pictureid=7915
  3. wait, weren't you in PA before? you moved clear across? PCS?
  4. only difference is that the other shot the car itself appeared in black and white (especially the tails and headlight) but the background was still in color.
  5. without effects http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/178369_3198872383420_1805126468_o.jpg
  6. the tails aren't tinted. its a camera effect setting on my Canon Powershot SX10IS. the tints are 30%. Do plan on tiniting or smoking the tails in the future. Only greens and certain shades of yellow show.
  7. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/s720x720/246425_3198875503498_258073024_n.jpg http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/290083_3198879783605_2016509949_o.jpg http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/178716_3198880583625_1985206237_o.jpg My contributions
  8. Mine had crank sensor broken and crank tooth as well. Mine would also looses power and jerk, stalled twice. Warranty covered it on my 09. I wouldn't buy a car from all American Subaru, saw things and had experiences with sales managers, but their service department is very good.
  9. Hey scott, what does the controller/switches look like?
  10. relax dude, a lot of us have other things to do on top of being here. he'll get to you. patience.
  11. that is a beautiful setup! and why would scott give up an LGT except for a newer one? (I did! rocking a 2012)
  12. Hey Scott, still a fan of your work. my 09 LGT is gone and replaced by a 2012. :-) hope to head your way sometime.
  13. Wish I had somewhere too do this kind of stuff, my last residence, I had enough space for about 12 lgts to get their clutches done and my landlord got the bright idea to build I cvs and yet another strip mall in new jersey...
  14. what ya mean "have to?" That's where you'll love it most.
  15. Check local laws, there is something in NJ (which allows exactly 0 tint up front), that if you have a prescription from an optometrist (eye doctor right? Its 2 am), it is legal and you cannot receive a ticket for it. (Disclaimer, I AM NOT A LAWYER. do your own research) Hope this helps. http://www.andyswindowtint.com/State-of-NJ-Tinting-Laws.php
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