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crc check different?


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doing a test write with the next revision rom from dave @ cryo, I get:




[20:03:11.824] kernel write flash buffer addr: 000DE000 len: 00000800

[20:03:11.933] kernel write flash buffer addr: 000DE800 len: 00000800

[20:03:12.042] kernel validate flash addr: 000DE000 len: 00001000 crc32: 4ffa045b

[20:03:12.073] kernel write flash buffer addr: 000DF000 len: 00000800

[20:03:12.198] kernel write flash buffer addr: 000DF800 len: 00000800

[20:03:12.307] kernel validate flash addr: 000DF000 len: 00001000 crc32: ff43226b

[20:03:12.338] kernel flash disable

[20:03:12.354] verifying result...

[20:03:12.354] -- comparing ECU flash memory pages to image file --

[20:03:12.354] seg start len ecu CRC32 img CRC32 same?

[20:03:12.354] FB01 00000000 00000FFC FAAC1B1D FAAC1B1D YES

[20:03:12.370] FB01 00000FFE 00000002 41D912FF 41D912FF YES

[20:03:12.385] FB02 00001000 00001000 EA035F4B EA035F4B YES

[20:03:12.401] FB03 00002000 00001000 21A08FCB 21A08FCB YES

[20:03:12.401] FB04 00003000 00001000 EB2F3706 EB2F3706 YES

[20:03:12.416] FB05 00004000 00001000 61CFF92D 61CFF92D YES

[20:03:12.432] FB06 00005000 00001000 38DED086 38DED086 YES

[20:03:12.557] FB07 00006000 00001000 F62635D4 F62635D4 YES

[20:03:12.588] FB08 00007000 00001000 E0A9905E E0A9905E YES

[20:03:12.838] FB09 00008000 00018000 163283F7 163283F7 YES

[20:03:13.165] FB10 00020000 00020000 F3FD4077 F3FD4077 YES

[20:03:13.524] FB11 00040000 00020000 FB5BA710 FB5BA710 YES

[20:03:13.867] FB12 00060000 00020000 2051DC75 2051DC75 YES

[20:03:14.226] FB13 00080000 00020000 C2FDE9A3 C2FDE9A3 YES

[20:03:14.569] FB14 000A0000 00020000 2A006F9E 2A006F9E YES

[20:03:14.897] FB15 000C0000 00020000 2935DE3D 0DB2D984 NO

[20:03:15.256] FB16 000E0000 00020000 34DA3855 2C9D3945 NO

[20:03:15.271] interface close


The question being, the last 2 bits of data that are compared say its different. Is this "normal?" Or are these simply the blocks that are different between whats on the ROM and what I'm flashing too? I suspect the latter, but just want to confirm. Never really paid enough attention on previous flashes and expected a big red warning light and sirens if there was a problem :redface:



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