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Anybody ever trade in a moded car?


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Hey has anybody ever traded in a moded car? Does it work for you, or against you? In addition to other mods, I was thinking of doing the home-style mesh grill. This, obviously, would mean that I am cutting up the regular grill. Does anybody think this would be a problem in like 7 years?
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Regardless of mods, it does nothing to increase the value. Before you sell the car you should remove & sell all modded parts. If you take it to a dealer they are likely to give you less than it's trade in value.

That is why you keep all that you remove, sell it in stock form;)

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My S4 chip bought my Cobb AP :)


I traded the S4 in with coilovers and a Miltek exhaust(very stock sounding). It did't hurt the trade in value. The guy that bought the S4 from the dealer liked the fact that it had coilovers.


In hind sight, I could have made more trying to sell the miltek and coilovers than the stock shocks and exhaust.


I also traded in a nissan maxima with supercharger. One dealer wanted the cost off taking it out subtracted another didn't care.

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