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Broken Subi...HELP

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Alrighty, so my '95 Wagon 5-speed AWD has a rear frame that is held to the car with four bolts, two on each side. It is the bracket that houses my trailing/control arms, differential, and other very important components. Driver side rotted away, rust didn't seem too bad, til one side snapped....Other side is in good shape and being held in by the two bolts. I got the bolts out on the driver side, so the holes are usable.


My issue is: What is the name of that bracket??? I need a new one, there is not enough metal to weld a plate to, but for now, I'm gonna drop the rear diff, drill a couple hole through the bracket and floor and dead bolt it to the car to prevent stress breaking the passenger side.


But what is the name of that piece? Sub frame? Bracket? How would I find one? (Besides junkyard, was thinking maybe Ebay or maybe someone on here is parting out their Sub)

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