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Clutch replacement in '98 L wagon

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All right gentlemen, the clutch has officially gone the way of the samurai in the wagon. Any suggestions on a replacement? Should i stay OEM or go aftermarket? If aftermarket, does anyone have any experience or info on which would be the best for my car keeping in mind that it is my DD but I autoX it on the regular. Also, after shopping around it looks like it's going to cost between $600-$800. Which sucks. How tough of a driveway job is this? Is it something that could be tackled in a driveway or am I smoking too much today? Thanks for any help, in advance.
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So it looks like I'm going to go with the Exedy KSB04 OEM replacement (thank you, kennyvfholla). Now i just have a question regarding flywheels. Will A WRX lightweight flywheel fit in my car? If so, what years? If not, what other lighter replacements will? Definitely not looking to replace with the same old heavy thing that is in their right now.
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After doing a bit more research I'm not even sure the Exedy KSB04 will work in my car. It seems ot be a direct replacement for 2.5 motors but mine is the 2.2. Any help in regards to what replacement clutch I could use would be greatly appreciated. Again, I'm not looking for a direct OEM replacement. I plan to autox on the regular and would like something that will be able to take the abuse. Would a WRX clutch work on my transmission and motor? Thanks, again.
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The OEM clutches are too expensive IMO. I've used Sach clutchs in the past for a OEM replacement and they work great. I have a very aggressive driving style like heel-toe down shifting and fast up shifts and I never had a issue with a Sach clutch. I am not sure which light weight flywheel would work but another option is to take the org flywheel to a machine and have them lighten it as much as it can be. They can also balance it after they machine the weight off. When I had one of my first Supras they didn't have lightweight flywheels for my Supra so my mentor who taught me a lot of what I now know suggested to just lighten my org flywheel. He has a full machine shop at his house and did the machining for me and we weighed it before and after and we were able to remove 12 lbs. That is a lot especially since the OEM flywheel weighed almost 40 lbs before the machining. I then took it to another machine shop to be balanced, never any problems doing this. GL.
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