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Appalachian State. Hayes School of Music.


How did the night's sleep go??


He slept ok Saturday night, a bit fussy and we missed one of his pain med doses so that was a fun time. We're on top of it now. Getting him up in an hour to give him his medications.


One thing I've noticed since he's been home is that he seems MUCH more active (I don't even know how that is possible because he was the one in his classroom that was running around playing while everyone else was trying to settle down for a nap) He tried to jump over our dog yesterday morning, something he's never done before and given that he can barely jump and get an inch off the ground it didn't go very well. The dog didn't appreciate it either but it just seems like he's even more "GO GO GO" than before. We gotta slow him down though, still another week before he's back in school.

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I can assure you, that your parenting is not over. My mom still imparts advice that is listened to :)


This is very very true. Though you'll notice as she gets older that you'll need to deliver the advice differently. When my parents pull the "I'm older and know better than you" tone it just makes me shut them out. Now its more of a discussion about the options and them giving their opinion on what they think is best.

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He slept ok Saturday night, a bit fussy and we missed one of his pain med doses so that was a fun time. We're on top of it now. Getting him up in an hour to give him his medications.


One thing I've noticed since he's been home is that he seems MUCH more active (I don't even know how that is possible because he was the one in his classroom that was running around playing while everyone else was trying to settle down for a nap) He tried to jump over our dog yesterday morning, something he's never done before and given that he can barely jump and get an inch off the ground it didn't go very well. The dog didn't appreciate it either but it just seems like he's even more "GO GO GO" than before. We gotta slow him down though, still another week before he's back in school.



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He slept ok Saturday night, a bit fussy and we missed one of his pain med doses so that was a fun time. We're on top of it now. Getting him up in an hour to give him his medications.


One thing I've noticed since he's been home is that he seems MUCH more active (I don't even know how that is possible because he was the one in his classroom that was running around playing while everyone else was trying to settle down for a nap) He tried to jump over our dog yesterday morning, something he's never done before and given that he can barely jump and get an inch off the ground it didn't go very well. The dog didn't appreciate it either but it just seems like he's even more "GO GO GO" than before. We gotta slow him down though, still another week before he's back in school.


Sounds like it's all going really well (and stay on top of pain meds!!!). That's fantastic. Glad to hear.

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Sounds like it's all going really well (and stay on top of pain meds!!!). That's fantastic. Glad to hear.


The ability of children to bounce back is always amazing.


Glad to hear things are going well


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Semper ubi sub ubi
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Glad to hear he's doing better I'm sure he will calm down a little once he's all done with the meds but for now that's what's best for him! Plus it sounds like he's having a lot of fun at home


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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She is just thrilled and I see depressing tiny space. Pretty funny the change in perspective :)


Dont worry about it--kids tend to be a bit skinnier and more flexible. I'm sure her and some nice freshman boy will fit in that tiny room just fine...




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Dont worry about it--kids tend to be a bit skinnier and more flexible. I'm sure her and some nice freshman boy will fit in that tiny room just fine...


my friend's dad was a carpenter, so to deter his son from sleeping with any girls at college, his dad made him a box spring only big enough for him to sleep on, then found some tiny mattress which fit. He forgot that people can fit vertically too :lol:

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my friend's dad was a carpenter, so to deter his son from sleeping with any girls at college, his dad made him a box spring only big enough for him to sleep on, then found some tiny mattress which fit. He forgot that people can fit vertically too :lol:


That's ridiculous, lol. Did he also build the same bed for every single girl on campus? :lol:

"Bullet-proof" your OEM TMIC! <<Buy your kit here>>


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my friend's dad was a carpenter, so to deter his son from sleeping with any girls at college, his dad made him a box spring only big enough for him to sleep on, then found some tiny mattress which fit. He forgot that people can fit vertically too :lol:


Yeah, I'm sure that deterred an 18 year old boy :lol:

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Figured I'd chime in a bit. I'm a young dad. Had my daughter when I was 19. She will be 4 this friday! Time flys man. Anyway I'm 23. Finished school last year for facilities management. Now I'm managing a 148 bed senior living center (not a nursinc home). My fiance is 1 year away from graduating nursing school.


Anyway, my daughter always has funny moments. She's a boy at heart though. Always blurting out "I farted!!" Real loud in public or just farting real loud and laughing in a quiet waiting room. (Working on it).


Oh the joys of kids!!


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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For his first birthday, we gave my son a Lightning McQueen car that he can push around while he's learning to walk (can sit and ride on too once his legs get long enough). He's been playing with it almost non stop for the last month. The steering wheel has various buttons with Cars sayings. As he was pushing it today, he was saying "Go go go!". First time I've heard him copy an electronic toy. So cool.
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we bought my daughter a pink Camaro for this past Christmas. you know the 12v power wheels one. Pretty bad little ride for a 3y/o IMO. lol It has a working radio. Chrome wheels on it. I had to sticker the whole thing. SHE WONT EVEN TRY TO LEARN HOW TO USE IT! lol that thing costed me around $500 and she has NO intentions on riding it. Hopefully she starts getting more interested as time goes on. I mean she is small for her age and can barely reach the pedals. When I was growing up man everybody had one and loved it!


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my 3 kids and 2 nephews took turns pushing each other round in the barbie jeep when the battery was dead. i have no idea how that sucker lasted for 5 years.i ended up refreshing the battery and giving it to a buddy that had a girl. she played with it for a few years as well until the motor finally gave up the ghost.



ive been getting less sleep this week, with my daughter working days and school at night, she gets home after 10 and wants to hang and chat. i cant resist that, so ive been up past midnite all week with her, and still getting to work at 6am. sucky being tired at work, but i wouldnt trade it for anything.

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We had our level 2 ultrasound yesterday. Because my wife had a vertical and horizontal c section, there is a greater risk of a rupture. So, they moved up our due date from Nov 15 to Oct 25. Guess I need to start working on the nursery :spin:
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Ough quick update on my son. He's doing extremely well, so well in fact that he is driving me and my wife nuts because he has so much more energy than he used to he's practically bouncing off the walls. Can't wait until he goes back to daycare tomorrow :p
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