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The Parenthood Thread


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Your fear of empty nest is borderline unhealthy lol.


Oh, laff, you have no idea. One day, you will relate, 'cause your WIFE will fall apart. Beyond that, you won't understand. I get it... it's completely different for moms/daughters, then guys/anything. Plus I got extra baggage 'cause my mom's been gone 15+ years. Anyway... Please don't judge - that's the point of this thread :)

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Reading this thread I think its Exactly the kind of parental outlet I need. You guys are awesome. I have perused boards at parenting websites and they are full of judgmental I raise my kids better than you fools that I have no Interest or patience for. You all are awesome. Laid back and supportive.


I'm the dad of a 9 month old and I'm also a family doc. Its a bit isolating because I'm a so called medical expert. Sure I have medical knowledge in spades but parenting is a different animal.


Anyway this is my favorite thread on the boards. I'm going to participate and online I never tell people of my medical background. I dont want a pm of a rash. But I get the feeling that would not be an issue here.


Cheers y'all and good luck.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Welcome, and good luck! Vent as needed!

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This is the parenthood thread, so I'm not going to apologize too much. Holy hell, I'm a hot f'ing mess. I promise to not post too much in the next 10 days, but this is way worse than I thought, and I got nowhere else to go to vent. Disregard as necessary.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk 2


I agree with the other sentiments


vent away!


your daughter is lucky to have a parent that cares this much

not everyone does, unfortunately

Semper ubi sub ubi
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  • I Donated Too
Oh, laff, you have no idea. One day, you will relate, 'cause your WIFE will fall apart. Beyond that, you won't understand. I get it... it's completely different for moms/daughters, then guys/anything. Plus I got extra baggage 'cause my mom's been gone 15+ years. Anyway... Please don't judge - that's the point of this thread :)


you've posted in multiple threads about this for weeks, madam. Drinking it away wont help, by the way. Find a new hobby or hit the gym.


Not judging, just giving honest feedback from an outside perspective. Oh and I created this thread, I'm aware of its point, thanks. ;)

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Lol jase...


Home from the hospital today. Playing and walking around ok. Not quite good usual self but hopefully a full night of sleep well help. Gotta wake him up in a couple of hours to give him medication though...


Sigh, 2.5 years old and been through the ringer.

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Lol jase...


Home from the hospital today. Playing and walking around ok. Not quite good usual self but hopefully a full night of sleep well help. Gotta wake him up in a couple of hours to give him medication though...


Sigh, 2.5 years old and been through the ringer.


Hope he does awesome at home and gets a good nights sleep!!!

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So sweet, thanks! Today was another awesome day! I know it's all for good - she's going to a fantastic place for all the right reasons... I think EOD Thursday will be the worst. Move her in Wed, orientation Thurs, and then we leave. Very excited for our trip home along Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline drive. I'll be weepy, but I'll make it!!
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She's pretty good too. She discovered that App has a minor in Appalachian Mountain and Folk music - pretty much bluegrass. She may go for it. She's in her room packing away - so excited!
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It just occurred to me... my parenting is really kind of over? At this point, whatever we have tried to instill in her best be done, or it's kind of too late. Sure, there will be advice and suggestions in the time to come, but this is kind of it! So, here's hoping she took the best we had to offer, left behind the bad examples (rare they may have been LOL), and rocks it out.


Ridiculous RV is in the driveway, partially loaded and ready to go. My sis-in-law offered some good advice last night: leave when she asks you to leave, not when you are ready... you'll never be ready.


Kleenex packed.

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