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Honest opinions requested on exhaust sound

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I have a 2006 Legacy Wagon. I REALLY like the Subaru Burble you hear from a WRX or STI or LGT.

This is a NON-Turbo car. But it looks like it has unequal length headers. The driver side comes forward goes around the front of the engine, meets up with the other side, and then goes back as one, till just past the rear differential, splits, and goes to the factory dual mufflers.

At some points.. particularly at low throttle, and RPM, I hear a little of that awesome Subie sound.. other times it sounds like your typical Honda Civic. Although it is NOT actually that loud. Even in the car with the pipes pointing up at the cabin. You can barely hear it on the highway.

My though was that it would sound better with the pipes run back to the bumper rather than under the car.

A local muffler shop will make some custom pipes with chrome tips for $170.

I don't want to spend the cash if it's not gonna sound any better.

Please give me some honest opinions... It takes 10 min to put the mufflers back on.

Here is the YouTube link. Keep in mind it sounds better than the camera makes it sound. But it's close.





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  • I Donated

I mean this in the nicest possible way.....it sounds terrible.


Get a decent muffler on it.


Just be glad you asked about it before deciding to keep it that way and make an assclown ricer out of yourself.


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Thanks guys

That's what I wanted to know.

It DOES sound better in person. But not great.

Was hoping it could be made to sound better by

extending the pipes out to the bumper

Stock mufflers will go back on it.

I would rather hear nothing. Than some half ass fart can muffler

And I am not spending what it would cost for complete exhaust just for the sound

Thanks again.

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