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Iac valve delete?

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You think a guy could unplug his iac and just use the screw on the Tb to adjust the idle speed? I would test this but my car wont run at the moment. Could someone try this for me?


When I try and start my car with this new standalone I may try it with out the iac. And if it wont work at all there is no sense in trying it.


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When you turn on your accessories (radio, blower, AC, defroster, etc, etc.) the load on the motor is increased. The IAC adjusts the air entering the motor to compensate for that and allows for a smooth idle.


So yes, you need it.

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You need it. Car won't idle without it. Every time you were off the throttle the car would die as soon as the Rpms were low enough. It also opens up at wot so you would loose that as well.
I'm a native of South Carolina. I am a dying breed.
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Chill homie. I know your not using the Ecu. I assumed that you would like it to be open during wot but if not then that's fine. Also, the iac doesn't just open and stay in that spot. It constantly adjust its position to maintain ideal idle speed. So just cracking the throttle at idle won't allow for that adjustment so idle will be erratic at best. But it's up to you. Experiment and see what happens. If You don't want my advice, I'll shut up.
I'm a native of South Carolina. I am a dying breed.
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Ok sweet. Ill go for it. I don't need a perfect idle anyway


Though someone tip me off on checking if some of the other components will work with boost when all their life they have seen vacuum. Things like the fuel pressure regulator and and Pcb valve. Also that charcoal canister thing. Can I just rig this up to the air line going back to the tank so when I fill at least I'm still pushing the vapors though a filter. And it has a one way valve so that would make vaccum in the tank which is bad or good. Or should I get rid of that valve


Sent from my Galaxy Tab using TapaTalk 2

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