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Unhinged Spoiler Bar -- Suggestions?

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There is a spoiler bar on the back of this 1995 Legacy that has become detached from it's moorings at each side. This means it sits up and fouls on the frame, preventing the back door from raising fully. Inconvenient to say the least.

Despite dismantling much of the rear yesterday, I'm not sure how the spoiler should be fixed on to the top of the rear door. It seems that parts / plugs in the rear frame are missing so that the spoiler prong at each side has nothing to clip in to. However, there are no part numbers I can discern for this at opposedforces.com. Tightening the nuts at each side underneath the spoiler did not help much.

Is there a decent way to deal with this pesky spoiler. Is there a set of plugs I could get to remove the spoiler and prevent water getting into the holes?


Can't believe I'm the only one with this complaint, but searched the site and can't find anyone else whining about the dang spoiler ...






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Is the spoiler the same as those on the LGTs? If so there are three bolts, one on each end, and one in the middle. Then there are two brass prongs, one on each side, that fit into a plastic sleeve that also hold it on.


I tried to remove my spoiler from a 96 LGT replacement hatch that I installed on my wagon before I painted it. The bolts came off easy enough, and the plastic clips came off without too much effort. However, the brass pins that fit into the plastic clips did not want to move, even with some pounding with a flat ended punch. I felt that if I tried to pry the thinnest parts of the edges they would have broken.

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