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Stereo/Climate Control Swap: P201-UH for P203-UH

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Would it be possible to plug-and-play swap a P201-UH for a P203-UH stereo/climate control unit? I had a pop explode in my car and now all the buttons are sticky and don't move in the winter. Can't seem to fix it. Found a 203 for a good price; haven't found a 201. Wouldn't mind getting an AUX jack or MP3 reading capability but don't know if the 203 has that. :confused:
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Thanks for the clarification fulton, I was going from memory but believe you are correct now that I think about UE vs. UH. I also agree go with the 204 as it has the AUX ability (someday I'll track one down) but audio is way down the road in my plans...
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