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Complimentary Colors


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OK. I have decided that I want the Rota Formula Mesh in 18x8. Originally I wanted the steel grey finish. I think I still do buuuut.....


I got to thinking about complimentary colors. My wife is a graphic designer and knows about the color theory. So.. knowing the answer, I said, orange is the color of blue right? She says yes.


Now, my ride is Atlantic Blue. I cannot fathom putting on orange with this... I think it would look "Bronco-esque" or dumb. But then we started talking about values of orange. One of which is gold/copper/bronze.


Before the subie I would have NEVER thought of putting gold/copper/bronze on a car - it just did not seem like my thing. Now I find myself thinking about it.... is this odd? lol


So, the question is... what do you all think about the Rota Formual Mesh in gold... on the Atlantic Blue? I am going to put pinks on eventually.. prolly before the wheels... but this is now on my mind.


Maybe I just need to have the wife photochop the wheels on. Unless that is, someone has them/gold/copper/bronze wheel on an Atlantic Blue ride.


What are the opinions of this combination?


Mind you I have done a bit of a search. I have found some but none on a wagon and none that show the wheel real clearly - in good light. I guess in theory it sounds good. It would be more "flashy" than the steel grey .... hmmm.. just rambling at this point.

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Actually....we have alot in common. My fiancee is a graphic designer as well and I have an AB wagon too. :D This shade of blue has alot of grey to it.....a charcoal color seems to work very well. I have had Volk's in anthracite as well as the current P1's in anthracite. I am getting a set of Rota Formula's in the new 'charcoal' color....we'll see how they look. They are clones of these:





Here are pics of mine with each set.






Here is Sube555's AB wagon with bronze Tarmac II's:




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PGT - I had seen those wheels before but I did not realize they were the bronze tarmacs... very interesting. I agree the color has a lot of grey in it.. if I look close at the pearl it seems to have a bit of copper (?) fleck in it too...or maybe it is just my eyes...


It does sound like we have a lot in common. Is your fiance a brunette? :D

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