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So I went to change a tire tonight on the new (to me) Subaru. Put the lug nuts back on, and found that 17 years has taken it's toll on the ends of the studs. 3 out of 5 of them are so rusted that I can't get a lug nut back on.


I don't have a garage, so I'm about to gimp her home on 2 nuts on my rear wheel at very slow speed. I don't have the time, money, or tools to tear it apart to replace the studs this week, but it's a daily driver.


Any ideas from you crafty people?

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The three studs in question are now clean, but they're starting threads are a tad boned. One wasn't too bad, so i put some snow on it and put the lug in hot water. The change in sizes was just enough to start it.


They're all getting replaced when I get back from NYC next week. To replace them, I just take the wheel off and slide the studs out the back, correct?

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