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Just to inform people who looked at my last post...

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I went out to the house today to talk to the owner, he was a very nice and understanding man. I talked to him a while about everything, and about the oil leak his blazer has among other things. I squared away with him, paid for his mailbox, and helped him put a new one in.


Apparently this isn't the first time it has happened, he had someone about 6 months ago fly through and hit a tree in his yard, and around the same time his mailbox was hit, just in a less excessive fashion.


So whoever emailed my boss, and supposedly local authorities, and said you had proof of my HNR by going onto my facebook (because my username on here is ever so simply my name), I have rectified the situation.


I have the mans name address and phone number, if anyone so feels as they need it as my proof.


Before you start throwing out its only because of blah blah blah, I didn't want to bother a man at near midnight on a weekday, so on my day off today I was going to go and talk to the owner.


I know I said tickets/reckless driving/etc, there ends my failed "internet badassery" I sounded like a complete prick, and had many shots once I had gotten home to calm my nerves, and that carried over into this morning.


On a side note, I have already put a new radiator in, strut is ordered, and car will be towed to my friends house for some major welding.


I do enjoy these forums, although I may not post much and pretty much lurk, it has been a source of some very good information.

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Good for you man! I'm really glad you squared up.with him! Definitely the right thing to do. I had a similar situation happen with my old jeep grand Cherokee. But some one really called your boss and the local authorities? That's pretty messed up... as of its any of the people on this forums business. Anyway glad ti here your cars gonna be fixed soon!!
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I am unsure of the local authorities, as I have not been in contact with them, and none have shown up at my house. My boss however - did call me on my day off to give me a heads up, and by that time I had already gone up to work to pick up my check and told another manager the situation, and how I had rectified it, and how I'm showing up to work these next few days. Was his day off too, guess he didn't know I had gotten it all sorted out.


I was apparently the first person in this 66 year old mans life to actually come forward after hitting his mailbox, and help him put the new one in and pay for it.

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But some one really called your boss and the local authorities? That's pretty messed up... as of its any of the people on this forums business.


I could not agree more with this statement. People are always having to be in everyone elses business.


I'm glad that you did the right thing and helped that man with his mailbox, you're a good person for doing that. Seems like not many people do the right thing anymore.

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I would like to mention, I have never, and will never drive drunk. I had a bad experience when I was young riding in the car with my dad after he had been drinking. Please do not think my incident occurred from drinking and driving. It was simply due to me driving too fast for conditions in a car thats dynamics had changed drastically since it last got soaking wet where I live. (Good Unbroken swaybar endlinks, new inner/outer tierods, and tires went from 205-60/15 sumitomos to 225-45/17 goodyear eagle f1 a/s up front and pirelli p6 in rear) I did not know my/the cars new limits, and I simply passed them, and fucked up bad.
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Overall Diameter is the same down to the hundredth. Needed two tires as I hit a pothole one day, and another the next, both making sizeable bubbles in the sidewall, went to my local used tire dealer who has 2 f1's available, and I left my cash and got them mounted and measured at work. If they were too far off, I would have brought them back for a different set. Gotta do what you gotta do when your tires still have 3/4 life left and not enough money for a new set completely.


EDIT: Not like it matters for a while now... wheels have been on maybe a week. now that one of them is completely destroyed it will be back to the steelies and the wonderful sumitomos.. :(

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Well piss. I was hoping you were going to continue soldiering on full-bro style and providing weeks if not months of quality entertainment.


Turns out you decided to be a stand up guy and decent human being by squaring everything away with the owner and acknowledging all the fail in the earlier post.


This is bull@#$. What the hell are we supposed to do if all the people who make bad judgement calls start immediately owning up to it and making it right? Way to set an example, assclown. :mad:

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Overall Diameter is the same down to the hundredth. [...] Gotta do what you gotta do when your tires still have 3/4 life left and not enough money for a new set completely.


EDIT: Not like it matters for a while now... wheels have been on maybe a week. now that one of them is completely destroyed it will be back to the steelies and the wonderful sumitomos.. :(


FYI - overall diameter might be effectively the same while stopped, but there's no way to guarantee the tires don't stretch the same amount at highway speed amongst other unknown variables. Is it enough to really matter? Probably not, but that's why Subaru is so damn picky about tires.

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...This is bull@#$. What the hell are we supposed to do if all the people who make bad judgement calls start immediately owning up to it and making it right? Way to set an example, assclown. :mad:


We can provide quality information and assistance to fellow Legacy owners around the world?


"Fortunately" though, many people in our world today do not admit to their mistakes, and right things, so I believe we have plenty of quality forthcoming entertainment.

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Well piss. I was hoping you were going to continue soldiering on full-bro style and providing weeks if not months of quality entertainment.


Turns out you decided to be a stand up guy and decent human being by squaring everything away with the owner and acknowledging all the fail in the earlier post.


This is bull@#$. What the hell are we supposed to do if all the people who make bad judgement calls start immediately owning up to it and making it right? Way to set an example, assclown. :mad:


Speaking of assclowns do you ever check your private messages? :confused:

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FYI - overall diameter might be effectively the same while stopped, but there's no way to guarantee the tires don't stretch the same amount at highway speed amongst other unknown variables.


This. And, different treads wear differently and pull differently. Center differentials are a fine-tuned mechanism that even the slightest difference is going to mess it up. The more miles that are on your car, the more worn it already is, and it is likely to start making noises and/or failing much sooner.


Glad you went and talked to the mailbox man. I hit a mailbox in my car last year, I knocked it over in the middle of a snowstorm at about 1am snowdrifting... the next day the police showed up at my house as I was getting ready to head over to the guy's house. I dunno who called the cops, but I got the mailbox all squared away, and they were happy.

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Good job in making things right.


Most us on here were young and stupid at one time (some of us are now older and just as stupid), we just didn't have the Internet way back then to share our stupidity with the world.

It is still ugly.
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Good for you making it right with the owner. A few months back some jack ass took out my dads mailbox and went through my yard leaving tracks. It was late after work and I didnt bother too much but found out the next day I could of followed the oil/ antifreeze trail a block down the road where he pulled off in a subdivision. I also had a small piece of bumper and a peice of splash shield that was enough for me to figure out the type of car. Never figured out who it was though and my dad had to get a new mail box. Im sure his car was totally f'ed up tho.
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Just got the new radiator in, new strut in, and strut tower all welded back together. Everything is quiet, and stiff (magically I was able to reuse the top hat). All I need is to get a real alignment. Hopefully everything is adjustable enough, car isn't pulling or feeling funny, other than my eye-balled alignment. Having one new strut against 3-140K miles ones though is kind of irritating, as the fucked up corner is better feeling now, but I guess I will put those on my to do list..


Here is the "finished" product. I know it isn't exactly pretty, but with my fatass standing on the coil-pack and the tower we were able to get it lined back up. I wasn't really going for perfection, just function and durability. Black paint added to help prevent rusting of welds.



Here is before for comparison, since the old thread was sent to LR.



Hood Before:


Hood After (FYI- I had to drive it to their house on a rainy day, already had cowl and hood removed, and didn't feel like putting two wipers on, then taking them off, then putting them back on - hence the single retarted looking wiper)




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