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Suddenly leaking oil quickly

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So my boxer started leaking oil in the last few days, but it seems to have lost a quart in the lost 150 miles. No smoke from the tail and power seems fine so I'm not thinking head gaskets.


I see some oily messes on two spots on the block now. 1 is just below and behing my alternator pulley and one is down on the subframe by my master brake cylinder. Are these my Cam seals going?

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Get yourself a mechanics stethoscope, they're like 90$ and totally worth the investment. OR a USB spy-cam and mount it to a bendable flash light with the long neck.


Check your oil separator plate, if it isn't there you may have a loose drain pan plug, if not there you may have a hole in your engine.

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I've done some checking. Looks like it's definitely my cam or crank seals at least. I looked closely under the car and found oil all over the underside but it looks like it's spraying back from timing covers. On the bottom of both my right and left timing covers the one little piece that the bolt threads into has broken off and the bolt for the bottom center timing cover is missing. It looks like the oil is coming from inside there judging by the splash patterns.


I'll be doing the seals belt job and water pump in the next few weeks. Should I be worried about the bottom of those covers?


Pics to come soon

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