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testing & questions for used 05-09 GTs


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All, I'm a newbie looking to see what diligence I should do before purchasing a GT. I've been looking at 5-9 GTs, preferably manual, but I've seen a couple autos as well. The vehicles have been ranging from 40k - 90k miles. I'm trying to really get my head wrapped around GTs to see if the extra maintenance is worth the risk of getting one to only have engine/turbo issues shortly after. Of course I'm trying to find the right vehic. that has perfect records of all maintenance, but many of the options do NOT have this.


Regarding testing: what would be recommended that I do/have done before a purchase? I've thought about having the oil & coolant checked as well as visual inspection to verify no head gasket issues. I've heard it might be worth dropping the oil pan to see if metal is sitting at the bottom indicating maybe a turbo/engine issue. I've seen some recommend a compression/leak-down test. Out of these, what are the priorities and what else should I consider?


Also, please point me in the right direction, or help me gauge reliability of the major components: engine, turbo, & tranny. SPECIFICALLY: how many miles seems to be the average (if that exists) for these major components?


I had a '98 outback w/ the 4EAT and had head gasket issues, engine oil leaks, tranny clutch pack replacements, etc. It worked great and seemed fairly reliable, but I spent more than I wanted on some big ticket maitenance that I wasn't expecting for a Subaru.


Thanks again!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't mean to thread jack, but I'm basically doing the same thing. Just looking at 05's mainly and the GT model over the standard 2.5i model. I have never dealt with a turbo, nor it's gauges or compression of that sort on a car. Figured that would have to get checked as well, but aside from that, I don't mind maintenance on a car of this caliber. Whatever it is, it's a lot better than my 99 Tahoe right now. Any known issues with the engine or transmission. Looking at a manual tran as well.
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Clutch replacement is expensive, figure ~$1000-1500 depending on area. Clutch mileage varies widely with driving style, but over 100k is reasonable for responsibly driven car.


The turbo is good for 100-120k properly maintained, some go much longer, some die sooner. Around $1500 for OEM replacement. Driving on a bad turbo is NOT recommended and can lead to much more significant engine damage and a new short block.

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Good to know. I've been looking at a few upgrades like wheels and some suspension works as well as exhaust. Gotta find a LGT at the right price however and that is my issue right now hahaha. Don't mind milage as much as I mind improper maintenance.
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