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Two Tickets

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I was drive late night against my buddy in his 2003 GT 5 speed mustang... i was going at it against him in a roll. His car has an intake and exhaust, all i have is the intake silencer removed. I took him by 1.5 car lengths in a roll but when we slowed down i noticed the crown vic headlights behind me... my friend and i turn down a street where the cop followed me and pulled next to me as we were about to turn left onto a different street. After i turned he followed me and turned on the lights... Long story short i was written up for tinted front windows and no proof of insurance because i have only had my legacy with over 1000 miles on it for a week. I showed him the new car papers and he still did not care. He said to me, "having a little fun with your friend" it turns out after we were down going at it, my friend was reving his engine as we passed the cop who was doing paper work, and decided to chase us because he thought, at the time he heard my friend, that we were racing. He said if he wouldn't have heard the engine reving he would not have came after us.


:mad: :mad: :mad::( :( :(


P.s. when i came home that night, i noticed that the insurance form had come in the mail that day but i was not home to put it in my car!

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Well, i know i can get the proof of insurance covered, both of the tickets are compliances, and since i am in illinois, any tinting to the front windows is illegal, and my fronts are a half of a step lighter than limo tints... so! ya!
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In IL, it is illegal to have any type of film on the front 2 windows and windshield. If you get those windows tinted in IL from a reputable shop they (should) make you sign a release stating that you are aware that it is illegal as a street car and should be used for show purposes only.
No, the name has nothing to do with bragging about 20 inch wheels...
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Neither will effect your insurance. Be grateful they did charge you with racing or speeding ;)


Time for Boxer and !S4 to take off the tint :lol:

We shall see...I don't want to jinx myself so I'm not saying anything.

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Don't street race. It's REALLY not worth it.


^^^^^ +1



<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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