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Rear door weatherstripping tearing.


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It's only happening on my left rear door right now, but does anyone know a of a long lasting, cheap (i.e. rubber cement) fix that won't look like crap?


I haven't priced these from the dealer, but I can't imagine they're less than $50.

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Thanks for the recommendation; I have some in the garage that I might end up trying. I can't imagine it would hold up too well in that spot, though. It flexes every time the door opens or closes, and people often touch it when they close the door.
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I ended up carefully trimming mine off. I cut it so that it mated up with the other lines on the body. You'd never know it was not supposed to look like that.

+1 A new razor blade and a careful hand can trim that off like it was factory. Mine bothered be for over a year before I decided to cut them off myself.

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