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torque bind?

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Hi guys,


I read this on another forum (gasp!). I'm going to try it with my car, as I have a similar situation going on with my 98 legacy, which I've described ad-naseum in another thread here.


Anyone ever tried this? Yes, I'm going to copy and paste now. My problem is a vibration/shuddering/noise while making tight turns and under acceleration.



Originally Posted by TruVeld http://www.subaruforester.org/vbulletin/v2/images/buttons/viewpost.gif

Hi, I had this problem (or at least sounds like it) in my old automatic legacy, I can not remember the exact explanation from the mechanic. I do remember the remedy though!


Do 20 tight circles to the right and then the same to the left (in a carpark) - problem was fixed.


It may be too much to hope that this really simple and cheap solution fixes your problem but good luck.


I did follow up this and my Forester stop the vibration entirely. Thanks for that comment.


Does this sound just too good to be true?



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Torque bind is typically caused by a failed Duty-C solenoid, I believe. JohnEgg seems to be up to snuff on his 4EAT info, so he might have more insight.


I don't think this will "solve" any problems, but I've been wrong before.

[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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Or just replace the solenoid?
[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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It'll force slip, so instead of just replacing the solenoid, you'll be replacing a diff.
[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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I did this today. Couldn't do 20 turns.... I got naseous. Between that and the really strange looks I got from people driving by as I did this in a catholic church parking lot. I think the nuns were ready to come throw holy water at me.........


Well, did it work?


Honestly, I think it helped. The noise has subsided. Maybe I'll do another 10 tomorrow if I need to.


Sorry this is in the wrong section. My car is a 98, so it should be in the 94-98 threads. Sorry, its hard to fix stupid.

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Realize that it might be "helping" by wearing the plates in the diff even further.
[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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HI, im a newbie to the legacy forum. I am a mechaninc and i love subarus. I have a 96 that has the torque bind problem, but my question is related to a 1993 legacy automatic! This car i got for free im going to fix it up for my mother and father. The one issue that has me going in circles is this. When the car is in awd mode it binds up when accelerating from a stop causing it to buck a jerk. eventuallay it stops binding up and just vibrates and shudders really bad but the faster you go the less the problem exists. I can swear i can feel it underneath the front seat. so i disabled the awd by putting a fuse in the proper place casuing it to be in fwd only. the car drives perfectly in fwd the transmisson shifts smoothly and no bucking or bniding or anything. I checked the rear differential for metal shavings in the oil and there is absolutly none, fluid looks great. Tranny fluid on the other hand was contaminated, i have replaced it. there is damage to the tranny pan. So my question is can this probelm be caused by the transfer clutches locking up or a bad u joint in the driveshaft? has anyone ever seen the rear driveshatf carries go bad? i need help and advise badly! gotta get this thing out of my drive way before it snows and i have to shovel it out! :)
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