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my 96 brighton, RIP

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My 1996 Legacy Brighton wagon is probably toast, thanks to getting rear-ended last night. The impact sent us spinning around in the intersection, and then we t-boned the guy who hit us, so my car has damage to the rear, left rear quarter, right front bumper and right front quarter. I'm sure it will be totaled. Everybody was shaken up and we're a little sore today, hopefully that will all go away in a few days and we'll be good as new. I was going to keep that Subie forever because we liked the wagon space, the 28 mpg and the all-wheel drive in the winter.


So, I gotta buy a new or gently used car. Any suggestions on what we should get? What kind of mileage do recent Subarus get, I thought only about 22? Who else makes wagons?



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  • I Donated

Its hard to stay out of boost once you have it...trust me I know lol


I'm glad everyone is OK. Looks like the Legacy pretty much saved your life. It held up well in the accident!


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