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Steering column

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I dont know how it happend ( to much fun), but my steering column/wheel has movement even when locked. I can see the entire assembly all the way into the engine bay moving, I can move the steering wheel up and to the right. Basically my steering assembly is lose. I think I must have loosened a bolt or broke a brace. Any Ideas?
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Nope. Thats the problem, its locked and moving, but not up down, but up an to the right. Its like something that should be keeping it in place is no longer there. I wish it was something like that...
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  • 1 year later...

I realize this thread is old but the description of your issue is nearly identical to my issue that seemed to just surface today. So I'm wondering, however simply it was, how exactly you "fixed" this?


After pulling the underside of the dash apart I see nothing, other than the steering column itself, that appears lose or broken. Help!!! if you are still following this board.

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You have to get to it from engine bay. Your problem is your looking in the wrong place like I did at first, you have to go to other side of the wall and if grommet is loose you will feel it along steering shaft. Its a big 3" or so rubber grommet, you cant miss it.9
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Thanks for the reply! Is this something easily replaced from under the car or is it something that requires the column to be "disconnected" from the U joint and the grommet/collar slid over? Just curious as there seems to be little in the way of information on the web concerning this issue.
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The only way to get it off is cut it or disconnect u joint, you should feel where the firewall and shaft meet, if there is a gap and no grommet, then it slid down the shaft, that was my case, it definitely didn't go anywhere. So it should still be there, it takes a lot of negotiating to get it in correctly. I unlatched the steering column from inside so that it can move, then I got both my hands on the steering shaft and rocked it up and down while pushing in the rubber grommet. You can get to it from the bottom or top, the bottom is probably easier but I did it from the top.
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Thank you sir! Not sure if I'll tackle this on my own or not. I'd assume that even if I cut it off that in order to get a new one on I'll have to remove the u joint to get the new one on. When looking from the top it appears that there is a "cover" over the area and that "cover" is preventing me from seeing if the grommet/bushing has fallen away or not. From the inside there is only a small piece of insulation that was glued to the firewall but has since come loose. Oh the fun of having a car with 145+k miles on it...
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noooooo , no cutting , no new one. It probably popped out, and just needs to be popped in. I can do it in 5 minutes, no tools, look down, see the shaft, grab it and feel around, takes 2 seconds. The big round thing above it will be in the way, which is why you have to feel your way up the shaft. You have to feel, otherwise jack it up on stands and you can see it from the bottom. If you unlock the steering column and then grab the shaft and pull up and down, if it moves then that grommet is loose if it doesnt the problem is elsewhere. But first I would get your hand on it, then just work your way up towards the firewall underneath that black circular box and find out what exactly that grommet is doing.
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