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Window Tints


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Just had my tints done 20% all around. They look good other than it looks like they scratched one of my windows... not sure what to do about it. But how long does it usually take until the tint is 100% dry so it looks how it's going to? Also I didn't have my windshield tinted but I kind of want to have it done now after seeing the difference no tint on the windshield and 20% everywhere else makes. It makes it look a little weird I think. Not sure what percentage to go with on the windshield if any at all... Advice is appreciated.
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Took about 3 days in direct sunlight for me. All the bubbles just disappeared. =]


I have 20% on all my rears and top 5ish inches of my windshield. I kinda wish the top windshield I did was darker cuz the 20% doesn't really do anything. Its just kinda there if that helps.

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alot of people around here do 50% tint on the front windshield on their dd because it is barely noticable by other people or police. It looks good and is less noticed by the law. I have a few friends that have 5% on their whole window, but they rarely drive those cars, I wouldn't recommend it though. Any tint under the as1 line in my state is illegal.
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Any tint under the as1 line in my state is illegal.


As it should be. Illegal window tint percentages are one thing. Tinting the windshield is just plain retarded and dangerous. (unless of course you have a VALID medical reason.)

"This is an adventure."
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Only way to legally tint windshield is with a medical exemption signed/filled by an optometrist in nj...


even then, i wouldn't recommend that to my patients. primarily because this will decrease your night time visibility through the front windshield, sunglasses are a much better / safer option.

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I absolutely cannot understand the concept of tinting your windshield......or your tail lights for that matter. Reduction of visibility greatly increases chance of an accident.


People who tint either must never drive on dark , unlit roads in rainstorms ! ( or snowstorms or fog )


I like to SEE where I'm hurtling towards----and I want the guy behind me to SEE when my brakes have been applied !

Do it right the first time.........or don't bother doing it at all.
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Yeah I'm probably just going to get the top 5 inches or however much I can tinted on my windshield. But it has been 5 days since my tints have been done and all the bubbles have gone away. Car looks great. No complaints.
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