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Squeaking/Scratching noise from wheel

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My 08 GT has an intermittent scratching noise from one of the wheels (sounds like driver side, either front or rear, not sure). Stays for a few miles, stops for many miles more (as in, it doesn't happen often, and when it does, it doesn't last for too long). Sound seems to go away when I brake, and is a repeated periodic scratch kind of sound. Last time it happened, my father and I got into an argument (he said some BS about me pulling the parking brake too hard and having it get "stuck" even though the handle is down, of which I didn't believe a single bit) after an unsuccessful attempt to reproduce the sound. Today it rained. I was making a (right) turn out of a parking lot and the sound kicked in again... Any guesses as to what it may be?
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It's a brake shoe hanging up. Could be from rust, dirt or simply dry metal parts not moving properly. Should be easy to figure out which wheel: after driving and hearing the noise, feel the wheel hub. Which ever brake is dragging will generate extra heat.
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I was having a similar problem with my 07 Spec B and took it to the dealer.


I turn right hard and it shows up, turn left hard and it goes away.


There is a tech bulletin regarding this issue. Turns out it was the bearing. They dismounted it and repacked the grease and reinstalled it and the squeaking went away.

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