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Tint "wax"? Pro-Tec-Tint

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I had my windows tinted last summer, everythings great with them. The guy that did them gave me this stuff, he said it protects the windows "its like a wax". I never bothered to put it on, wondering if I should or if it could do more harm than good. I googled and couldn't find anything about this product. The label on the bottle is kind of peeling off, looks like cheap glue used.


The window guy warrantees his work so I don't think it would do any harm, but I'm wondering it it's even necessary.



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meh... I don't hold much stock in that stuff. More than likely you aren't going to see any benefit in using that over using something like Invisible Glass. I have one client I've been maintaining the same vehicle with for over ten years and his 15 year old tint looks perfect. All I've ever used on it is Invisible Glass.


To be perfectly honest, if you got a low quality tint film on your windows, then no amount of this or that is going to keep it from bubbling, peeling, or changing color. If you paid the money for a good tint job (likely around $200 for the back and four side windows of a sedan) then you should be fine for as long as you own the car. Well, providing you are using glass cleaner which is tint safe, of course. This product you have is just something marketed for tint shops to sell people who have just invested money in a tint job. It's sole purpose is to get just a little extra coin from their customers by telling them it is necessary. It is likely just simple glass cleaner. Take a sniff and compare it to other glass cleaners and I think you'll agree. If you smell alcohol or amonia then beware... That can be very bad for tint.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Thanks OC! Glad to get an opinion of someone who deals with this stuff. I have some Stoners Invisible Glass in my garage that I was planning on using, though I haven't cleaned them yet since I got the tint job.


I used to use a newspaper when I would clean my windows, before the tint. What should I use now? I'm afraid newspaper or paper towels are too gritty for window tint, and that I might be better offf with a microfiber towel?

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The whole newspaper thing was invented a really long time ago. Yes, it does the trick, but so does using glass cleaner and a microfiber towel. If you don't have a glass cleaner meant for cars (at the time people started using newspaper most glass cleaners were loaded with ammonia) then newspapers are fine, but given the choice I would suggest using a nice lint free microfiber and Invisible Glass. If you still use newspaper because that is what your Dad uses, just consider the source of the information. They used to "wax" cars with kerosene to make them shine too back in the day, so not everything that came out of the '60s is golden advice applicable to modern paints and things like that. ;)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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