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wagon tailgate light flashing

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anyone else ever have this problem: I was doing some pretty aggressive uphill driving, lot of curves, and all of a sudden I notice that the dashlight showing that the tailgate is open starts flashing on and off. I had a trunk full of camping gear, packed in so that nothing was really moving around. When i got to the top of the hill I stopped and checked but the rear hatch was closed tight. what gives?
getting out of the legacy game :cool:
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Sounds like the contact switch was acting up. Maybe some of the gear was putting pressur on the tailgate - enought to fool the switch.


Off topic - where did you go camping??

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seneca shadows in West Virginia - near the rocks. was great except for the occasional thunderstorm. killer driving around there (and yes, I detoured to take 211 back). with my wife tho, so driving was more like 6-7/10's instead of 8-9/10's....
getting out of the legacy game :cool:
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