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Halogens? HID's? Advantages? Disadvantages?


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So with the recent debates lets make a thread just for it!


now what i'm trying to find is disadvantages and advantages of both not necesairly which one is the best.


When we're talking HID's were talking about OEM setups or retros, not throwing HID's in halogen projectors or reflectors.


Please keep this to facts and no arguing or flaming.

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So with the recent debates lets make a thread just for it!


now what i'm trying to find is disadvantages and advantages of both not necesairly which one is the best.


When we're talking HID's were talking about OEM setups or retros, not throwing HID's in halogen projectors or reflectors.


Please keep this to facts and no arguing or flaming.


Unless you have a specific question, please search. Subject has been discussed and there is a sticky at the top of this forum that addresses your concerns.

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