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Pick a final site name. [Everyone please VOTE!]


Which URL for "branding"?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Which URL for "branding"?

    • LegacySTi.com
    • LegacyB4.com
    • Spec-B.com
    • B4Power.com
    • BetterBoxer.com
    • LegacyCommunity.com
    • LegacyGT.com

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Which would you brand this site as? The sub head would read: [b]"The ultimate resource for Legacy enthusiasts."[/b] edit: I also just registered LegacyGT.com. Now how did that slip by me? :)
How about LegacyGT.com? Somehow I can't pick from those above. LegacySTi is speculation, B4 is only describing sedans, Spec-B we don't have, B4, again sedans, BetterBoxer is um, not my style, and Legacy Community is sort of bland IMO. Just my take. [url]www.legacytouring.com[/url] looks to be available too. *shrug*
Top Google search is "subaru legacy forum" which we're #1 position. Im not sure its much better than that. The name isn't important for Google, as they search the data on the page.
Not to quibble, but we don't have a Spec B in the USDM, and this IS a USDM-based site. IMHO, Spec B would be posing. I'm with Sube on this one. Of course, I don't see anything wrong with the current name. Kevin
While this site is certainly slanted towards USDM, I'd like to think its has many international visitors and that we'll be pretty able to be of great help to those who do tend to get nicer Legacy's than we do. Plus its a solid message to Subaru that the US wants and its ready for the Spec-B Legacy. -C
That is a good point made Tide. If everyone takes a look at the Gear Ratios thread in 2.5GT Tech, you will see how the tires and gear ratios work themselves out. Spec B isn't all that different from the numbers.
[quote name='Tide']While this site is certainly slanted towards USDM, I'd like to think its has many international visitors and that we'll be pretty able to be of great help to those who do tend to get nicer Legacy's than we do. Plus its a solid message to Subaru that the US wants and its ready for the Spec-B Legacy. -C[/quote] Sorry, but naming a web board after a car does about as much to bring that car to fruition as clicking your heels together and saying "There's nothing like a Spec B...there's nothing like a Spec B." The most effective way to ensure that future, hotted-up Legacies will show up is to buy Legacy GTs. Period. I stand by the "posing" assessment of Spec B.com, or any permutations thereof, but I am the acknowledged curmudgeon/realist of the group. Kevin
It's not just 'naming a web board'. What I'm looking at is building a branded community to last the next 5-10, etc, years. That includes a bit of optimism ... That being said, everyone here has a voice and the whichever was the community votes, we shall go!!! :) :)
Also isn't specB supposed to the 'top of the range' or enthusiasts JDM car, so why not have a top of the range/enthusiasts site
Hey, gtguy... if you start a "curmudgeon" thread, I'll be sure to join. :) (good word usage BTW). Legacysti.com works for me. Like someone has posted elsewhere, I can type it in my sleep. I know I can post it in my wife's sleep. Sometimes I type too loudly and she wakes up and threatens me with bodily harm if I don't go to sleep. :lol:
[quote name='gtguy']Sorry, but naming a web board after a car does about as much to bring that car to fruition as clicking your heels together and saying "There's nothing like a Spec B...there's nothing like a Spec B." The most effective way to ensure that future, hotted-up Legacies will show up is to buy Legacy GTs. Period. I stand by the "posing" assessment of Spec B.com, or any permutations thereof, but I am the acknowledged curmudgeon/realist of the group. Kevin[/quote] I'm with Seth and Kev on this one. I don't think the Spec-B, or B4, or STi urls are very reflective of the site. What's in a name? More than you think. Needless to say I voted for LegacyGT.com. :D
[quote name='Gumby']I like this board the way it is therefore legacysti.com gets my vote.[/quote] I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you as a conservative/republican. :lol:
Drift this isn't the place to go OT, Tide is trying to get serious input regarding the name of this site. There are old threads where various memebers talk a little politics....
Take my vote from Spec-B.com and move it to LegacyGT.com No fair that one wasn't up earlier. *shakes fist* :lol:


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