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No remote trunk open

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My key fobs no longer work for the trunk, if it was just one I would think that I need to reprogram it but since its both I think the problem is elsewhere.


Both remotes work for the doors, trunk lever works and the trunk release lever is in the correct position.


Is there a fuse that Im missing? I checked them and they all seem to be fine. Anything else to look at?

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I'm pretty sure Subaru key fobs kinda suck in general...interference problems seem to exist at random times, ESPECIALLY when other subarus are around.


Whenever I come out and see another subaru parked next to me--which is quite often, as the are natural herd animals :) -- i know that i'm gonna have to push the button a few times to get the car to unlock (and i know it's not the battery since both fobs do it and I've owned the car since new for only a year)


O well, one of the quirks that goes with being a subaru owner i guess...

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