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S402 worth it?


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So just trawling the online auctions today in japan in the search of finding a rare gem of a Legacy. There is a handful of s402 for sale, It would be great to have one but for the price it would cost to import one over a standard legacy, is it worth it? other option would be the "tuned by sti" model which should most of the features of the s402, expect the uniqueness and the 6 pots up front.


For s402 money you could get a lot more for the money, maybe some nice german rs4 power!

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You are asking a very biased forum of course but the s402 is the holy grail of legacies IMO. You can likely build one with similar parts for less if you wanted but to have an original s402 would be sick.


The rs4 is a sweet car as well but I'd opt for the subie instead of course. ;)



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i'd take the rs4. as much as i like the subaru, its so sloppy. there's this one best motoring video comparing slalom of s402 vs s6 i believe, and the s402 was super sloppy. s402 may be the holy grail of legacy's but its not worth it. spec b + mods probably better deal.
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